dermabrasion vs microdermabrasion… what is the difference between dermabrasion and microdermabrasion? Read this article if you want to know.

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Both dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are non-surgical treatment aimed at improving skin quality. Other effective non-surgical procedures for a better skin are: intensed pulsed light(IPL), laser resurfacing, chemical peels, neurotoxins, and fillers.

The aim of this article is to highlight the important differences between #dermabrasion and #microdermabrasion.


Is a nonsurgical procedure that uses aluminium or sodium chloride crystals to exfoliate the skin. It is painless topical anasthesia is NOT required. It is safe and well tolerated.

Microdermabrasion treatment may be helpful for 3 to 6 sessions, every 2 weeks , before surgical procedure on the face.

Person with (the best indications for) oily skin, dilated pores, malasma, mild acne scarring, thick skin and solar lentigenes will require dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is contraindicated (persons with the following conditions should not do it) in persons with severe acne rosacea, uncontrolled diabetes, telangiectasias, active acne (pimples), skin cancer, sunburned skin, dermatitis, oral isotretinoin and blood thinners.


It is the mechanical removal of the epidermis and part of the superficial dermis so as to stimulate repithelialization (regrow and rejuvenation of the skin). This can be performed with sandpaper, wire brush, or diamond fraise powered by a hand engine. Dermabrasion is painful so it is performed under anasthesia in the operating room.

Dermabrasion is used to remove wrinkles , facial scars, rhinophyma, syringoma, and epidermal nervus.

Key point differences between microdermabrasion and dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is painful and more invasive than microdermabrasion…

Dermabrasion vs Microdermabrasion: See The Difference
Both dermabrasion and microdermabrasion is aimed at improving the quality, shine and texture of the skin. Compare the sides of the face to note the beauty of the right side of the face after either dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

Dermabrasion requires anasthesia to ease the pains while microdermabrasion is far less painful or without pain

Dermabrasion is a theatre procedure while microdermabrasion is an office procedure.

Microdermabrasion is a salon procedure that is confined to epidermal exfoliation.

Dermabrasion is best for acne scarring NOT microdermabrasion is widely believed.

Dermabrasion is also known as surgical sanding…it is perhaps the first skin resurfacing method known to humans.

Dermabrasion takes a longer recovery time them compared to microdermabrasion.

Dermabrasion causes bleeding while microdermabrasion is a blood less procedure.

Dermabrasion vs microdermabrasion for acne scars….both are good for acne removal but dermabrasion is best for the removal of acne scars

As far as cost is concerned, dermabrasion is more expensive than microdermabrasion.

Do not try dermabrasion on the eye lids, it will cause contractures.

Honorable Mentions: Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery Textbook.


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