Okra water and pineapple benefits for female.
The combo of okra water and pineapple is a wonderful drink that that every lady show try….and will never regret especially as regards get their sexual and reprodutive health.
Okra water and pineapple benefits for female you must know
1. Rich in nutrients,
Okra and pineapple combo is very rich in essential nutrients and vitamins
2. Offering anti-oxidant and heart health benefits.
The combo of okra water mixed with pineapple is rich in electrolytes like magnesium and potassium which are necessary for the proper functioning of the heart.

3. Aids in weight loss,
The combo of pineapple and okra water is rich in fibres….This fibres helps reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine, ensures early satiety and stimulates leptin – a hormone that depresses appetites for food. Ladies use this pineapple and okra water combo to slim down and burn belly fat.
4. Increases libido,
Dripping …dripping and dripping. All ladies understand this simple concept…okra water is believed to help with that. Aside the natural wetness that it brings, ladies have testified to improved libido after taking pineapple and okra water first thing in the morning.
5. Lowers blood sugar levels,
The combo of pineapple and okra lowers blood sugar and diabetics can take it to regulate their glucose
6. Eases labor and delivery
Pineapple plus okra smoothie taken close to delivery helps to induce labour and eases delivery….this is a folktale that many women believe in. No research has been able to confirm this though. Don’t bank in it.
7. Boost fertility.
Okra and pineapple juice is a fertility booster as it is rich in folic acid. Folic acid is a fertility boosting vitamin. Women trying to conceive (ttc) should make this combo their companion.
8. Okra water helps relieve constipation
This is because, both pineapple and okra are rich in fibres….fibres helps increase bowel movement especially in pregnant women that are constipated.
9. Aids in kidney health and it assists in digestion,
Flushes toxins from the kidneys and prevent kidney stones
10. Promote Bone Health
Okra + pineapple water is very rich in calcium…older women suffering from weak bones as a result of osteoporosis will find help in drinking okra plus pineaple juice daily.
11. Skin Health
Drinking a combo of pineapple and okra water gives a woman a well hydrated flawless skin.
12. Eye Health.
The combo is rich in vitamin A which helps to promote vision
13. It gives the body an immune boost and helps inflammation.
Okra and pineapple smoothie is an immune booster helping to fight sorts of infections.
14. Boost ovulation
It is believed that the combo of okra and pineapple juice boost ovulation and increases a woman chances of getting pregnant with twins
15. Restores menstruation
The antioxidants in okra water and pineapple together with its ability to stimulate hormone production like progesterone and oestrogen makes it the best natural remedy for restoring ceased menstruation.
How to make okra and pineapple juice combo
Soak 3-4 cut okra stalks (without the ends) with well sliced fresh pineapple in Spring water in a 32oz Mason jar for 8-24 hours in refrigerator.
Drink 1st thing in the morning on an empty stomach or before bed at night. You can drink 8-16 Oz. per day.
Thank you
A great article