Benefits of Tom Brown for babies and even adults.

Someone Is asking the difference between Pap and Tom brown.

Pap is soaked in water for a few days then grounded, sieved and then the starch from the grains are now used as pap to feed baby

Tom Brown is washed, dried and fried.. then grounded till powdered form thereby retaining the chaff ( dietary fibre).. cooked, before feeding the baby.

Sometimes, pap is not fully done when added hot water, it’s best to still cook pap on low heat till it’s no longer raw

Both are good for babies…depends on the one your baby loves..

Is there any other difference you know?? Tell us

Tom Brown (A Healthy Cereal for Babies within 6months and above)

If you don’t want to rely on shelf cereals for your child’s growth and development; Then go for Tom-Brown because of its tremendous nutritional value.

Benefits of Tom Brown for babies
Benefits of Tom Brown for babies

Tom brown is also a perfect choice of formula feed that will supply nutrients essential for the healthy growth of babies. This is also a weaning food for children because of its rich ingredients.

Nutritional Benefits Of Tom Brown.

The mixture of these cereals and grains gives a nutritional food product that enriches and nourishes the body. Its nutritional values are limitless.These include:

1) High-fibre content which helps in reducing cholesterol level and improves bowel problems like constipation.

2) The soya beans provides protein, minerals and vitamins needed by the body to reduce chronic diseases.

3) The peanuts present are rich in magnessium, pottasium etc. and are full of nutrients and low in carbohydrates.

4) It serves as energy boosters required by the body.

5) Enhances and boosts the health of the eyes because of the vitamins and minerals present.

How to Prepare Tom Brown Baby Cereal

1) Boil your water (depending on desired quantity).

2) Mix the Tom brown powder in a cup or bowl with a little water and make a paste.

3) Pour the tom brown paste into the pot of boiling water and stir properly (stir while pouring the paste to avoid lumps) and cook for atleast 5 minutes.

4) Your tom brown pap is ready. Yummy yummy, allow to cool.

5) Add sugar and milk (based on your preference).

6) Too Delicious!


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