Fat transfer from stomach to buttocks cost in South Africa.

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Fat Transfer to the buttocks by South African ladies for a firmer, bigger, curvier and rounder buttocks is now a common practice even though the procedure is quite expensive.

Fat grafting, also referred to as fat transfer or fat injections, is the surgical process by which fat is transferred from one area of the body to another area. The surgical goal is to improve or augment the area where the fat is injected. The technique involves extracting adipose fat by liposuction, processing the fat, and then reinjecting purified fat into the area needing improvement.

Fat transfer from stomach to buttocks cost in South Africa
A South African lady after fat transfer to the buttocks

Structural fat grafting can reduce the appearance of scars on the face and body, including dimpling and deep depressions, resulting in thicker, softer, healthier skin.

For fat transfer to the buttocks, excess fat is suctioned from the tummy or other areas and transferred to buttocks to give the buttocks shape, make the buttocks bigger, rounder and curvier.

Ladies decide to increase their buttocks side for many reasons, it is their choice…. what matters most is to make sure that a certified plastic surgeon carries out the procedure. The fear of complications following fat transfer is commoner if the procedure is done by a quack doctor.

Fat transfer from stomach to buttocks cost in South Africa

Fat transfer from stomach to buttocks in South Africa is quite expensive and cost between R80,000 – R125, 000 Rands. Some hospitals in high brow areas in South Africa like Johannesburg charges R150, 000 Rands for fat transfer for buttocks enlargement surgery.

Where can you do fat transfer surgery in South Africa?

It is easy, there are many plastic surgery clinics in South Africa cities that carry out cosmetic surgeries like liposuction, abdominoplasty, botox injections, breast enlargement surgery, breast lift, breast reduction surgery, ear reconstruction, nose job and so on. Walk to any of these highly specialized cosmetic centres and request to see a plastic surgeon who will listen to you and examine you to know if you are eligible for fat transfer or any other type of cosmetic surgery procedures.

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