What does pineapple and cranberry juice do for you sexually?

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Pineapple and cranberry juice have numerous sexual benefits to both the woman and the man….A woman will get juicer and taste sweeter with a combo of cranberry and pineapple….A man will also taste good and taste flavoured when he drinks pineapple and cranberry juice say 12 hours before the act.

What does pineapple and cranberry juice do for you sexually?

I want to go into details.

What does pineapple and cranberry juice do for a woman sexually?

1. Sweetener and juicier

A combo juice of pineapple and cranberry will sweeten the woman and make her taste good if you understand what I mean. I know a woman that will will drink loads of pineapple and cranberry juice days before her …. appointment (you understand he kind of appointment)…She said it makes her taste very good….She believes this and it works for her.

2.Treats Urinary tract infection

A drink of cranberry and pineapple will help prevent UTI in women. Urinary tract infection is very common in women mainly because of the female sexual anatomy. Pineapple and cranberry is very acidic and will kill off all the infection causing bacteria in the female urine and that or male too.

3. Treats vaginal yeast infection.

Are you having candidiasis? Don’t worry, the combo drink of crane berry and pineapple will restore the vaginal pH and in the process get rid of that recurrent vaginal candidiasis that troubles every lady. Every lady should ensure that they take pineapple and cranberry juice every other day.

What does pineapple and cranberry juice do for you sexually?
What does pineapple and cranberry juice do for you sexually? Many things. Continue reading

4. Restores vaginal pH

Crane berry and pineapple juice restores the vaginal pH and aids the growth of the good vaginal bacteria or flora.

5. Tightening or vaginal rejuvenation

It is true that many ladies believe that cranberry and pineapple juice will help them tighten their vigina ….This however is not true. Cranberry and pineapple juice does not help in tightening ….Why not go for vaginoplasty?

6. Boost female libido

A cup of cranberry and pineapple juice every morning and evening can help boost the libido of a lady and in increase her stamina.

7. Eases menstrual flow

Taking pineapple and cranberry juice during mesntruation will ease menstrual flow and can clean the womb of stale blood.

What does pineapple and cranberry juice do for a man sexually?

Makes a man taste sweeter

For a woman that like to licks plate, giving your man cranberry and pineapple juice will make him taste sweeter like pineapple. Just try it.

Good for erection

Do you know that the combination of pineapple juice and cranberry juice is an aphrodisiac? Pineapple and cranberry increase blood flow to the genitals, enhancing libido and helping a man last longer in bed.

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