Banana chia smoothie for weight loss…
Weightloss Smoothie – Banana & Chia Seeds
Doesn’t mean you will lose weight by drinking it, but yes it will help you a lot. The idea is to feel full and cheat the stomach by drinking smoothie.
So you don’t feel hungry for few hours. And yes exercise. Smoothies help meet in between hungers.
👉1 banana
👉1 cup curd (preferably use home made dahi which is low in fat)
👉1/2 tsp cocoa powder (optional for flavour)
👉1/2 tsp instant coffee diluted with some water
👉1.5 tsp chia seeds
👉Some ice cubes
👉Chopped almonds and chia seeds for garnishing
How to use banana and chia seeds smoothie for weight loss.
👉Take a mixer jar, add 1 banana
(for more sweetness you can add dates/fig/honey)
👉Add 1 cup curd (preferably use home made dahi which is low in fat)
👉Add 1/2 tsp cocoa powder (optional for flavour)
(you can also add fresh strawberries/peanut butter)
👉Add 1/2 tsp instant coffee diluted with some water (coffee & cocoa powder works well together for weight loss)
👉Add 1.5 tsp chia seeds
👉Add some ice cubes and churn well to the smooth texture
👉Take smoothie in a serving bowl
👉Top with some chopped almonds and chia seeds
So here’s your Delicious, Healthy Banana & Chia Seeds Smoothie ready!!!

Chia seed, a very tiny black beauty is:
1. High in Omega 3 fatty acid…good for the heart.
2. High in antioxidants: fights lots of diseases.
3. Has more calcium than milk.: good for your bones
4. High In iron.
5. High in Vitamins C even than orange.
Inshort, it is filled with lots of nutrients.
So just imagine what 2 spoons of CHIA SEED will do for your body.
😎Let me raise your excitement the more about this beautiful black beauty.
1. It Increase your brain power. So if you find yourself forgetting things easily, Chia seed is there for you.⭕
2. It’s very good for your heart.
You heart works non stop.
Such a hard working organ.
Why don’t you gift your heart with this.
Besides, it will help manage those heart related health issues like High blood pressure.
3. It makes your IMMUNE SYSTEM strong.
I hope you know your immune system is the soilder💪 of your body.
If soilders that are supposed to be guarding us are captured and defeated, it means those wicked strangers will have a field day.
Disease starts from the immune system.
💕Guard your immune system as you’ll guard your wife, husband, fiance and fiancee.
4. It prevents cancer: Prevention is better than cure and I love this new one. PREVENTION IS CHEAPER THAN CURE.☑️
Helps to manage cases of AUSTISM, ADHD and other hyperactive disorders in children.
I celebrate you for reading to this point.
So many benefits of Chia seeds.
Seeds are great.
▪️Eat it more than you eat pastries.
▪️Eat it without mercy but not in excess.
▪️Eat and give your family too. Remember when your family is a healthy one, youll be happy and more productive.
Tell me you will😊
Natural is powerful
Megna’s Food magic