Is it good to take pap at night?

So what is wrong with taking pap, Akamu or ogi at night? Or is it because of the calorie? The calorie of pap us not so high for you not to take it at night…pap has so many health benefits and taking it in the morning, evening and night is not bad at all. Taking pap at night will not make you gain weight or develop a big will not increase your belly fat. Please enjoy, your pap any time of the day. You can even add milk to make it more nutritious and beneficial …

You can eat pap, Akamu, or ogi at night….no wahala.

Pap is one of the easy foods to digest foods that we have around us. This helps the body to get rid of unnecessary contaminants and chemicals quickly by simply increasing the pace you urinate. Another advantage of eating easily digestible food is that it puts less stress on the digestive system and is good for people recovering from illness. In addition to the above, people with digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS), irritable bowel disease (IBD), or a sensitive stomach, may enjoy consuming easily digestible foods such as pap as they function on the digestive system quite carefully and seldom trigger issues.


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