Disadvantages of licking Nzu, Atakiri and Uro….This article is about the dangers and side effects of nzu or calabash chalk…some call it “calabar chalk”.
Why You Not Lick Nzu (And why You should Stop Licking Nzu, if you Lick it already).
Calabash chalk popularly known as nzu is consumed by alot of people mostly women especially when they are pregnant as they say they crave it the most at the moment as they say it cures morning sickness and help with alot of things too.

Even though it occurs naturally, it is also artificially made by the mixture of ash (from wood), sand, mud, salt and clay. It is then moulded into a round shape or whatever desirable shape and finally heated to form the end product- calabash chalk(nzu).
Nzu contains toxic elements and high amount of lead and aluminum which is higher than what is regarded healthy.
Lead is very harmful to babies. It can cross the placenta and affect the baby resulting in what is called lead poisoning. Even when you are not pregnant, don’t eat nzu, the lead content is still very high and not good for you.
Even in low amounts it can affect the child behavior and ability to learn.
The toxic elements found in nzu can cause gastrointestinal disorders including nausea and gastritis or gastric ulcer.
Even in low amounts it can affect the child behavior and ability to learn.
The toxic elements found in nzu can cause gastrointestinal disorders including nausea and gastritis.
Chronic use of nzu can cause ulcer this is due to it effect on the stomach.
Craving nzu during pregnancy can be a sign of low iron, which is very common during pregnancy and leads to pica (burning desire to eat inedible stuff)
Rather than lick nzu, take iron supplements and eat iron-rich foods instead.
Another side effect or disadvantage of nzu white chalk less talked about is addiction or better still pathologic cravings. You will nees to see a doctor about this….because it is hard to break away from even after pregnancy.
Source: Sub-Pharmacist….follow him on twitter via…@Tobenna__