Why you should avoid hernia removal tea, is hernia treatment without surgery possible? 👇
Hernia aka ‘HighNia’, is basically the bulging of soft tissues through a defect in the abdominal wall. E.g: The intestines can bulge through a weak point into the scrotum= Inguino Scrotal hernia. So, quick question, what does your ‘Hernia Removal tea’, remove? Your intestines?

A herniation can happen in the inguinal region (Common in children), it could also herniate to the scrotum, umblicus, into the chest wall through the diaphragm. This swelling can be reduced (disappear when pressed down) with no pain unless strangulated (Emergency).
Hernia’s are usually positive to pressure, e.g: a cough reflex. This means, when you cough, the swelling can just pop up. This happens because that pressure, pushes the soft tissue through the defect, into the abdominal wall. Treatment is best commenced when detected! Why?
Delay is dangerous. The hernia can become strangulated. This means, the defect or hole can slowly start constricting the neck of the intestinal loop. Pain sets in, blood supply is cut off, and necrosis (death of the tissue cells) sets in. This can lead to severe complications.
These complications range from loss of intestines, sepsis to death.