An article on how to use clove water on hair growth and how to use clove oil for hair growth…

Can clove make your hair grow?

If you have been waiting for this, here it is. Not many people knows clove can be used for hair care not just cooking. Yes, you read that right!

Cloves are full of a bounty of hair care nutrients that we may not know about.

You’ll be amazed at how we can use cloves for hair care and I am telling you that you might just be looking at your own holy grail.

Cloves contain high levels of antioxidants and nutrients that can add to the growth and strength of your hair.

how to use clove oil for hair growth
how to use clove oil for hair growth

They can be used for protecting the scalp from dandruff, which is actually a major cause of weak and thin hair.

Cloves also contain anti-inflammatory agents which further helps your hair and scalp

Cloves is one of the best thing that can happen to your scalp, itchy scalp, dandruff and what you have. If you have dandruff and experiencing lot’s of shedding/hair loss don’t sleep on this herb.

There are several ways to use it:
You can grind it to powder, mix it with other of your favorite herbs and aloe vera juice then use it as a mask.

You can as well use it alone

You can infuse it in water and add it to your spritz

You can infuse in oil and use it 2-3 times a week. It can be very strong so mix it with other oils.

Am sure you are already thinking where to get it from, check your local market people who sell garlic and ginger may have it or check where you buy zobo leaves and ask for zobo pepper, you can also order it online on Amazon/ Jumia..

❣️ Benefits of cloves for Hair Growth

Cloves is one of the best ayuverdic herbs that should not miss in your hair regimen, because it stimulates blood flow in your scalp which in turn triggers and boost the hair growth process.

How can I use cloves for hair growth?

If you wondering how to use cloves, worry no more .

Cloves can be infused in your oils,

You can make cloves tea and spray to your hair.

Cloves can also be added in your deep conditioning masks.

You can add cloves to your food, while cooking and consume it internally, you can also drink the cloves tea.

Today ends HAIR LOSS SERIES 😌☺️☺️☺️ Let me know in the comment section what other series you want us to go into..

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