How to treat whitlow at home: Local remedy for whitlow…
This article will answer the following questions:
Can kerosene Cure whitlow?
Can kerosene cure whitlow
Can lime cure whitlow?
Can garlic cure whitlow?
Can petrol cure whitlow?
How to treat whitlow in Nigeria
How to cure whitlow at home?
Shea butter for whitlow
Lincomycin for whitlow

I stumped upon a page on facebook where people discussed the local remedy they used in curing whitlow. Please note that whitlow can affect any digit in the body and that any pulp space infection is called whitlow….it is different from paronychia which is a nail bed mostly bacteria infection.
Read these people discuss how they treat whitlow at home….
How do you treat whitlow at home? Any local remedies? See comments:
Omobola Ibitoye
do you know blue that they use for white clothes not arokiuna add it with ori and apply it.
Steve Akagbosu
Dip the infected whitlow finger into a bottle of hydrogen peroxide for thirty minutes.
Appiah Prince
Look plantain fresh leave the middle one,take some and warm it with fire then grind and tie it on the particular finger
Makinde Oluwayemi David
Grind big white beeans, potash and red oil. Apply on the whitlow and cover it up for 12 hrs…it heals it. I heard shea butter also cure whitlow.
Gbenga Ojofidipe
Deep the finger in hypo for about an hour. Hypo helps to cure whitlow.
Kolade Oloye
To treat whitlow at home, blend little moringa leaf,add little salt,bandage the solution round the finger, DEEP relief.
Awopeju Stephen Abiodun
As local remedy for whitlow, get izal and put like three drop inside a 2 liters of warm water deep your hand inside. Do it three times a day. No matter how sever two days is too much. It will vanish.
Muhammed Ilyasu
Pls let us be always serious with ourselves on health solution. On Whitlow solution, just buy Ogiri it looks like locust beans and it smell a lot, buy little and grind it then rub everything on the affected finger, within one or two days you will thank me.
Razaq Ade
Pls not a joke,if it just starting deep your whitlow finger inside acid use in washing swimming pool dilute it pls.
Seraphine Homenya
Dip the affected whitlow finger in methylated spirit….methylated spirit relieves the pain of whitlow…
Akingbala Nihinlolamiwa
The treatment of whitlow is straight forward. Whitlow is very painful.Go and buy novalgin tablets for whitlow pain.
Take one tab from each. Get small bottle or plastic that the finger could enter
Pour hypo inside and put your finger inside. You will be moving around with your finger inside the hypo
Later you will see d face to cut small because it will become soft then press it and rub oil or penicillin
Take the tablet morning and night until you open the face.
Chioma Miller
Dip your finger in petrol….petrol helps to dry up whitlow very fast.
Chizzy Ogbuli
dip the finger infected with whitlow in your own hot stool or in hot garri (Eba). A woman told me that hot stool contains chemical that cures whitlow.
Jik disinfectant cures whitlow for me. Put Jik in a deep small container,deep your finger into it as many times as possible in a day for like 2 to 3 days.
Anyikwa Mercy
Put your finger inside salt water…Warm Salt water helps to reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation associated with a whitlow finger.
Ismoil Jimoh
Dip the whitlow finger in early morning urine. Urine cures whitlow.
Ofure oghogho
The last time I had whitlow, I filled my finger in kerosene morning and evening and it cured it.
Chioma okeke
The last time I had whitlow, the doctor prescribed lincomycin 500mg tablets for me to be taking 3 times a day for 10 days…it healed and dried up the whitlow. Lincomycin or licocin is the drug of choice for whitlow if you ask me. It works.
My candid medical opinion
A lot has been suggested as local treatment for whitlow…most of which are unhygienic and harmful….dipping your finger in stool, urine, acid is unsafe…putting dirty paste on the affected finger to cure whitlow is also not recommended. However, putting you whitlow finger in lime, lemon, garlic jik or salted warm water may help relieve whitlow pain and promote healing. Whitlow is very painful I must confess…you need strong painkillers like diclofenac, advil, ibuprofen, peroxicam and even paracetamol to relieve the pains. Antibiotics like lincomycin will also help greatly…most importantly, you will need to see a doctor for possible incision and drainage of the abscess..
Update: please note that a poorly treated Whitlow can lead to abscess formation and even loss of the affected finger. It can even spread to other fingers. Do the right thing, see a doctor.
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