Azoospermia drugs in Nigeria + Azoospermia treatment in Nigeria
A medical lab scientist wrote this about the increasing rate of male infertility in Nigeria:
“The rate of increasing male infertility of Nigeria men is alarming.
I did a semen fluid analysis today and i could nearly see my own reflection, no single trace of sperm sells, even after centrifugation, of the semen sample. This is a very severe case of AZOOSPERMIA.

Azoospermia can be caused by a variety of conditions: blockage in the genitalia, an infection, Injury to the genitalia, Effects from surgery to the male reproductive system, lifestyle choices excessive medications, alcohol consumption, and illegal drug use.
About 2% of the world population of men has azoospermia. A more prevalent case is Oligospermia. Oligospermia refers to the low concentration of sperm cells in the semen ( low sperm count). It occurs in approx. 15% of all men and about 40% of men being evaluated for infertility.
The good thing about oligospermia is that it is more reversible than azoospermia, but still early detection is key. You don’t have to wait for when you are married or when your wife becomes a victim of circumstance. Go for check up, go for seminal fluid analysis.”
Causes of Azoospermia
The reasons for azoospermia are; possibly hormonal or genetic disorders, undescended testicles in childhood or surgeries due to hernia, late realization of testicles that are not in proper position and having surgery in adult age or testicles still not in position (swinging from testicals to inguinal canal), having rheumatic infections (epidemic parotitis, meningitis, etc.) in childhood that can distort its functions by inflammation of testicles, exposed to chemotherapy or radiotherapy after surgery due to testicular tumor, various traumas (traffic accidents, injuries during sport), also naturally absence, underdevelopment or obstruction in of seminal ducts.
* What are the types of Azoospermia?
Azoospermia may be obstructive or non-obstructive.
In obstructive azoospermia, sperms are produced in the testes, but due to some blockage, they do not come out in the ejaculate.
In non-obstructive cases, they are not produced in the testes at all, or produced in too low a quantity for it to be seen in the ejaculate.
* How is it diagnosed?
No sperms seen on a routine semen analysis.
A physical examination and some hormonal tests can help to differentiate between obstructive or non-obstructive azoospermia.
A testicular biopsy provides confirmation of spermatogenesis.
Azoospermia drugs in Nigeria + Azoospermia treatment in Nigeria.
Azoospermia is treated depending on the type, obstructive and non-obstructive. The non obstructive type of azoospermia responds to fertility drugs like :
- Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
- Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
- Clomiphene (clomid)
- Anastrazole
- Letrazole
- Bromocriptine
- Testosterone injections
While the obstructive type of azoospermia will require surgery repair.
According to “in some cases of obstructive azoospermia, blockages and severed (or missed) connections can be repaired with microsurgical treatment. Surgical treatment may also be used to remove or treat a varicocele, and may also be used to treat retrograde ejaculation.
When surgery can correct obstructive azoospermia, natural conception may be possible. Surgical treatments don’t correct the problem overnight, however. A semen analysis will be ordered three to six months post-surgery.”
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