30 tips on how to lose weight in Nigeria without exercise. How do I lose weight using Nigerian diet and little exercise?
Excess weight gain and obesity is now a disease of public health importance. Because if the mortality and morbidity associated with being to fat, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom @ Boris Johnson recently declared a state of emergency on obesity. In a bid to lose weight, many a persons, find it extremely difficult to combine vigorous exercises with dieting..Infact many persons prefer to shed weight without exercises these days… How can they go about it…? Well read below for some tips and directions. 👇
●Try a Low-Carb Diet
●Eat More Slowly
●Replace Some Fat with Coconut Oil
●Add Eggs to Your Diet
●Spice Up Your Meals
●Take Probiotics
●Get Enough Sleep
●Eat More Fiber
●Brush Your Teeth After Meals(reduced eating desire)
●Combat Your Food Addiction
●Do Some Sort of Cardio
●Add Resistance Exercises
●Use Whey Protein
●Practice Mindful Eating
(is a method used to increase awareness while eating)
●Focus on Changing Your Lifestyle
●Add Protein to Your Diet.
When it comes to weight loss, protein is the king of nutrients.
●Eat Whole, Single-Ingredient Foods.
●Avoid Processed Foods. …
●Stock Up on Healthy Foods and Snacks.
●Limit Your Intake of Added Sugar. …
●Drink Water.
●Drink (Unsweetened) Coffee.
●Supplement With Glucomannan.
●Avoid Liquid Calories
●Limit Your Intake of Refined Carbs
●Fast Intermittently
●Drink (Unsweetened) Green Tea
●Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
●Count Calories Once in a While
●Use Smaller Plates

Why are health experts so particular about people having the right weight and body mass index? Well here are the dangers of obesity and excess weight gain. Obesity has no benefits whatsoever.
1. Stroke
2. Hypertension
3. Diabetes
4. Obstructive Sleep Apnea
5. Myocardial infarction (cardiac arrest)
6. Osteoarthritis
7. Low back pain
9. Skin infections
10. Hemorrhoids
11. Increased risk of cancers like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancers, abdominal cancers
12. Low libido/infertilty
13. Increased risk of cardiovascular diseases
14. Obese persons are at increased risk of deaths and prolong illnesses from COVID19
15. Striae
16. Stretch marks
17. Depression
18. Low self esteem
19. Loss of jobs
20. Gallstones
21. Liver diseases – fatty liver disease
22. More
This list is endless and all hands must be on deck to encourage weight loss and stop obesity in its tracks.
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Partly culled from Natural Healthy Nation