How much is the cost of forehead reduction surgery in Nigeria?

Forehead reduction surgery is also known as the hairline advancement or hairline lowering surgery. It is conducted to lower your hairline and make your forehead appear less prominent.

How the surgery is performed?

An incision is made to remove a small section of your skin along the hairline. The incision is then sealed using sutures, which reduces the space between your hairline and eyebrows. In some cases, a HairTransplant procedure is also performed to cover the scar and/or to create a more natural-looking appearance of the new hairline. Forehead reduction surgery is done under general anesthesia… Local anaesthesia may be combined to help reduce pain and bleeding.

How much is the cost of forehead reduction surgery in Nigeria?
Before and after forehead reduction surgery

How to know if you are a good candidate for the surgery?

Only a board-certified surgeon can guide you whether or not you are a suitable candidate for forehead reduction surgery, but here’s a checklist of some basic criteria that will help you assess your eligibility:

• You are in good health
• You have a flexible/lax forehead skin
• You are not suffering from Male Pattern Baldness or Female Pattern Baldness or other progressive hair loss
• You do not smoke and/or are willing to stop smoking for a month prior to the procedure.

If you have any other medical conditions that would place you at risk for surgery complications, you should discuss these with your doctor before moving forward. If you have a family history of pattern balding, forehead reduction surgery may not be right for you.

What are the potential risks and side effects? Complications

All surgical procedures come with risks. The risks of forehead reduction surgery include:

➡️bleeding during and after surgery
➡️side effects of general anesthesia
➡️allergy to general or local anesthesia
➡️infection of the incision area
➡️nerve damage where the incision was made
➡️paresthesia at the surgical site
➡️hair loss where the hairline was cut
➡️scarring after the incision heals

Your cosmetic surgeon will do everything possible to minimize these complications.


Most people can return home within a few hours after the surgery. You’ll need to return to the office for suture removal over the following week and a half. You’ll also be asked to return for observation and post-operative checkups roughly 2 to 4 weeks after surgery.

How much is the cost of forehead reduction surgery in Nigeria?

How much is forehead reduction surgery in Nigeria? Forehead reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure, so it is not covered by NHIS or other forms of medical insurance. The cost of forehead reduction surgery in Nigeria is around #1,500,000 – #3,000,000 Naira. Forehead reduction surgery cost in cities like Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan and Port Harcourt may cost up to #5 million Naira.


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