Guava Leaf Tea : Preparation, Health Benefits and Side Effects.
Guava leaf tea has numerous health benefits worth talking about. This article is going to discuss them, its preparation and side effects.
Remember, when guava leaf is boiled with carrot it become a powerful aphrodisiac that boosts male and female libido, improving sperm count and stamina.

Health benefits of guava leaf tea
1. Aiding weight loss
2. Improving heart health
3. Treating diabetes
4. Skin care
5. Stimulating brain health
6. Preventing diarrhea.
7. Stomach Problems: If you regularly suffer from diarrhea or have a sensitive stomach, you may be able to clear up your symptoms by regularly consuming this antibacterial tea.
8. Diabetes : Many studies have shown that guava has a remarkable ability to regulate the release of blood sugar in the body.
9. Heart Health (High B.P): By lowering your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, in addition to lowering blood pressure, this tea can protect you against atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart diseases.
10. For Skin Care: The various phenolic compounds found in guava give it a powerful antioxidant profile, which can cut down on oxidative stress in the skin and reduce the appearance of acne, wrinkles and age spots.
11. For Weight Loss: With metabolism-boosting properties and a rich mineral profile to satisfy some of the body’s need for food, this can help you create a calorie deficit.
12. INSOMNIA: Some of the active ingredients are known to improve hormone levels and induce sleep and relaxation.
13. Hair Care: Using guava tea as hair treatment provides the hair with essential vitamins, which promotes hair growth, as well as, preventing hair loss.
14. It has anti-cancer properties too.
15. Also boosts the immune system.
16. Thanks to a rich content of antioxidants, in gauva leaf, which provide an anti-inflammatory effect, against toothache.
17. It is a great aid, when you get cold, have a cough or bronchitis. Relieves symptoms.
How to Prepare Guava Leaves Tea
a. With fresh guava leaves
1.Take 6 guava leaves.
2. Wash the leaves thoroughly.
3. Now, boil the leaves with about 1 litre of water.
4. After boiling for about 10 minutes, pour the water and filter to remove any piece of leaf.
5. It is ready to drink.
6. You may add a little honey as a sweetener.
b. With dried guava leaves
1. Dry some young guava leaves under shade.
2. Crush them into powder after you dry them.
3. Add one tablespoonful of powdered guava leaves to one cup of hot water to brew.
4. Allow it brew for about 5 minutes.
5. Strain it and drink.
6. You may take this once a day.
💥Side Effects of Guava Leaf Tea 💥
1. Complications for pregnant women. Can cause miscarriage and birth defects.
2. Interactions with other drugs.
3. Too much consumption of guava tea, result in constipation.
4. It may be allergic to some people, which is usually rare.
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