Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms
SINCE THIS LOCKDOWN BEGAN across the world some two to three months ago, a lot of couples, both married and unmarried, have been “stuck” together for a lot longer than they were used to. In addition to that, these couples are bored, with probably nothing more than social media, video games, Netflix, and online courses to keep them company.

For many couples living together since this lockdown started, they’ve probably had more sex in the last two months than they’d had in any two-month period all their lives.
And as we know, with more frequent sex come more chances of pregnancy because the possibility of adherence to contraceptives, no matter the type, dwindles.
The World Health Organization has predicted that over a million babies could be born by December 2020 or January 2021, all because of this global lockdown.
That’s to tell you that the level of “nacking” this period no be here. Some dey run am like say na Vitamin C 100mg TDS (three times a day).
Just that this time around, it is Vitamin S (sex) for three months. Others dey run am 5-6 times daily.
Men adiro achi ochi when it comes to “nacks”.
The truth therefore is this: as you read this, a lot of women on isolation are already pregnant from the “nacks” they collected and are still collecting; but the challenge is that many of them may not be able to access the antenatal care they need at this early stage of the pregnancy. Therefore, they are left with home remedies they know little or nothing about.
READ ALSO: Cost of Pregnancy test in Nigeria
Here I’ll look at the commonest early pregnancy symptoms or signs and how pregnant women in their first trimester can handle them until they can go to a hospital and see their obstetrician.
This one is common like mad. It is popularly called “Morning Sickness”, but medically known as “Emesis Gravidarum” or “Hyperemesis Gravidarum” if a test shows electrolyte imbalance from the vomiting. This also leads the woman to dehydration.
Many women in early pregnancy are often nauseous, others vomit a lot. This is attributed to the increased levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin (B-hcG), a hormone that helps to maintain the pregnancy at that stage before the placenta (which forms by the fourth month) takes over.
1. Eat frequent, small meals.
2. Stay away from fatty, fried, or spicy foods.
3. Drink a lot of water, as often as you can, no matter how small the quantity.
This is arguably the commonest symptom. Na wetin our mothers dem take dey know pregnant babes dah year, coupled with vomiting.
It is normal to feel tired at this stage. Some experts blame it on the sedating effect of progesterone, a hormone.
1. Slow down on the activities and rest well.
2. Get as much sleep as you need.
3. Go to bed early.
4. Exercise only as much as you can and as frequently as you can.
Some early pregnant women also experience breast pain, arising because the breasts are getting bigger,fuller and ready to produce milk.
1. Wear a bra made with soft, stretchy fabric:
2. Try to avoid restrictive underwires, which can cause pain.
3. At night, try wearing a snug-fitting tank top or a soft cotton sleep bra.
1. If you have had sex in the last two months, you haven’t seen your period since then and now you’re having severe low abdominal pain with or without vaginal bleeding.
Nwa, you could be having ectopic pregnancy and it can be fatal. Run to the hospital.
2. If you have been retching and vomiting nonstop, your lips are dry, your eyes dey turn you. You don’t pee well, or your urine is small.
Sweetheart, you are dehydrated and you could be having electrolyte imbalance as well. Both are dangerous to you and your growing baby. Run to the hospital cos you could be admitted.
Stay safe.