13 Countries without coronavirus that you should know.
Agreed. Coronavirus has infected more than 3 million people worldwide and killed over 100,000 persons as we speak, but did you know? That the COVID-19 has not reached all countries in the world? Meaning some countries in the world has not reported a single case of coronavirus till date……

What are these countries… Well, they are 13 in number…as listed below.
List of Countries with no reported case of COVID-19
13 Countries without Coronavirus
1 Kiribati
2 Lesotho
3 Marshall Islands
4 Micronesia
5 Nauru
6 North Korea
7 Palau
8 Samoa
9 Solomon Islands
10 Tonga
11 Turkmenistan
12 Tuvalu
13 Vanuatu
Population: 13 Countries with no report of #COVID19
1 Kiribati: 118,000
2 Lesotho: 2.1m
3 Marshall Is: 58,000
4 Micronesia: 105,000
5 Nauru: 11,000
6 North Korea: Not Available
7 Palau: 22,000
8 Samoa: 195,000
9 Solomon Island: 640,000
10 Tonga: 106,000
11 Turkmenistan: 6m
12 Tuvalu: 12,000
13 Vanuatu: 293,000
The number of countries with no reported case of COVID19 was also shared by @Statisense
13 Countries with no report of #COVIDー19 #CovidVirusUpdate #COVID19
1 🇰🇮Kiribati
2 🇱🇸Lesotho
3 🇲🇭Marshall Islands
4 🇫🇲Micronesia
5 🇳🇷Nauru
6 🇰🇵North Korea
7 🇵🇼Palau
8 🇼🇸Samoa
9 🇸🇧Solomon Island
10 🇹🇴Tonga
11 🇹🇲Turkmenistan
12 🇹🇻Tuvalu
13 🇻🇺Vanuatu#StatiSense— StatiSense (@StatiSense) May 2, 2020
The bulk of the states that have not yet reported cases are small Pacific Island nations, followed by a handful in Asia and Africa.
A totalitarian and highly secretive state, statistics hardly comes out of North Korea,the beleaguered country hasn’t reported any cases. The already isolated state took preventative steps early, sealing its border with China in January, denying all foreign travelers from entering, but North Korea watchers are skeptical of the state’s no-case claim.
A lack of testing capacity, a situation arguably worsened by international sanctions; a weak healthcare system; and a high degree of state secrecy are all reasons for reasonable skepticism. Whether North Korea just can’t tell if it has cases or is blatantly lying are both reasonable options.
Meanwhile, it is yet to be seen whether the reasons these 13 countries have no case of coronavirus is due to lack of testing capacity,COVID-19 propaganda,or pure falsehoods or secrecy.
CAVEAT: As at the time of writing this article, there was not reported case of coronavirus in these countries but time changes everything. The COVID19 status of these 13 countries can change at any time.