I decided to make a compilation of IVF success stories in Nigeria in order to inspire couples who have tried every other means of becoming parents except IVF probably because of the secrecy and stigma still associated with the proceduce in Nigeria.

IVF in Nigeria is still shrouded in secrecy and hear says. It is high time people realized that a successful IVF is a scientific miracle and breakthrough in itself. The procedure is quite physically, psychologically, and financially demanding. So enough of the secrecy, it is time to openly talk about IVF as a means of having a baby. Let us PUSH BACK at the stigma.

The IVF testimonies of the following Nigerian couples will inspire you. Read their stories below………

Nigeria’s first IVF baby to study Medicine In Hungary

Hannatu Kupchi, 21, was born at Nisa Premier in Abuja on Febuary 11, 1998. She gained admission to study Medicine abroad in 2015.

A Ceremony was organised by the hospital on a Sunday in 2015 to mark her departure. Medical Director, Dr Ibrahim Wada said Kupchi’s birthday marked the fulfilment of his medical career.

Read him….. “It is very difficult to make statement on a day like this. When I was out of the country, I knew there were people who wanted babies. I made the decision to come back to Nigeria to help people. It happened on Febuary 11, 1998 when this historic event occurred at this hospital. The baby of that historic day is going to become a medical doctor. Because the parents stood firm, we were able to help others. You (the parents) gave us goverment recognition and that was important. It was the first time that a minister came to receive a baby in Nigeria.

I want to assure you (Hannatu), that after graduation, there is an automatic employment for you” he said.

On her part, kupchi expressed gratitude to the hospital for giving her “a life”. She said the desire to help save the life of other children inspired her to study Medicine.

She said with her birth, misconceptions about IVF in Nigeria were broken and that many children would be born.

Read her… ” I am very grateful to be sent off like this. It is not everybody that gets this opportunity. God has a big hand in This. God was behind me. I want God to use me to give more children. I am hoping that through me God will make people see the value of having children through IVF . I will specialise in Gynaecology and Obstetrics.”

Her father Hosea said …”We had 13 years of marriage without a child and we went through through the orthodox method without success. Along the line, my sister in law told me about one Dr. Wada that has been helping childless couples. Then we met him. God used him to give us Hannatu. We had challenges on how to let the world know because of the fear of stigmatization. We can only fight the stigmatization of IVF in Nigeria by speaking up.”

Bimpe, an investment lawyer had her first baby after battling infertility for 7 years

She suffered all the heartaches of infertilty- from two blocked fallopian tubes, hormonal imbalance, incompetent cervix, failed IVF, painful procedures, fibroid surgeries, and loss of a 22-week pregnancy.

But her Creator perfected His plans in due course. She shared her IVF testimony on her social media handle. Read and be inspired…

“It feels surreal, I am a mum!!!! God indeed makes all things beautiful in his time after & years of waiting and trusting God for my awesome blessing. Doctors diagnosed all sorts but my God had the final say. From two blocked fallopian tubes, hormonal imbalance, several painful procedures, incompetent cervix, failed IVF and multiple fibroids. Losing a pregnancy at 22weeks in 2016 due to cervical incompetence. My water broke and had to be induced to bring out the baby in order to save my life. It was such a painful experience as I had to go through pains of normal labour. And then going through a major procedure in 2017 to remove the multiple fibroids.

In all God kept me and i knew He has a purpose for my life. He blessed me with the best man one could ever ask for. He stood by me all through. My pains were his pains and he never for one gave up on me and God.

In June 2017, i decided to give IVF another try hoping God will come through. I was a bit reluctant because of the fear of being disappointed yet again, but went through it anyways. To the glory of God I was confirmed pregnant July 2017.

The pregnancy went so smoothly and February 26 2018, our wonderful gift beautifully moulded from heaven came to the world. The Lord will never leave or forsake His own. Though it may tarry it will definitely come to pass. I truly appreciate my family and friends who prayed for me during the waiting period. Love you all so much. God bless you and grant you all your hearts’ desires.”

Congratulations Bimpe and thank you for sharing one of the IVF success stories in Nigeria to encourage couples out there.

After 4 failed IVF cycles, Bisi and Segun had a set of twins in the 4th attempt

“After 15 years of struggle with infertility and undergoing multiple IVF cycle failures god blessed us with our first children- a set of twins, a boy and girl, when my wife was close to 47 years.”

These were the views of Olufemi Segun, an architect based in Lagos. segun told DAILY INDEPENDENT that he is now enjoying marital bliss after his travails with infertility.

The erudite architect said, ” I married my wife in 1991. We did not envisage any challenge in having a child as a newly wedded couple. We believed that conception would normally take place as my wife did not have any history of uterine or pelvic complications. we tried to have a child for about two years without success, so we decided to seek medical advice.”

“However, subsequent events proved otherwise. Result of tests showed there was a problem and that the only solution of becoming parents was to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.

“Since there seemed to be no logical explanation for the infertility, our attention soon changed to finding ways to resolve it.”

Segun who is now a happy father of four children said the process was not easy.

“First, we went for initial diagnosis, after which we embarked on a series of private IVF cycles. The first showed that 16 eggs were fertilized and my wife tested positive following a pregnancy test two weeks after her implantation. We were elated, but it did not last long as she started bleeding and the pregnancy was lost in the process.”

“However, we did not lose hope. We went through two more cycles none of which was successful. None resulted in pregnancy. We persevered and did not allow the huge financial burden, including the emotional distress to frustrate us. It became clear to us that the success of the IVF process was unpredictable.”

“But to our greatest surprise we succeeded at the fourth IVF attempt. My wife became pregnant with twins and gave birth to two healthy children. Even since then we had two other children.”

According to Dr Ajayi Abayomi, the Chief Medical Director of Nordica Fertility Centre, “Segun and his wife, Bisi represent hundreds of thousands of Nigerian couples with testimonies of multiple IVF treatment following their unwavering spirit. So, determination is the rule of the game in IVF.”

Story time not over yet IVF success stories in Nigeria continues as more Nigerian women give IVF testimonies….

60 year old gives birth through IVF!

For IVF, age is no longer a barrier to conception. A woman said to be 60 was delivered of a baby in 2014. Read her IVF success story as culled from the NATION NEWSPAPER…….

For 31 years, Mrs Omolara Irurhe was globetrotting not for pleasure but in search of a child. She was a guest in the best fertility clinics.

But in 2010, her journey ended in the most unlikely hospital and country when she began an IVF treatment at St. Ives Hospital in Lagos. Subsequently what began as a seed of hope in 2010 culminated in the delivery of a bouncing baby girl.

As at then, Mrs Omalara was named the oldest IVF mother in Africa.

When she was interviewed by the Nation, she was was full of enthusiasm and joy over her new baby. She said what kept her going after many years of childlessness was faith in God and a belief in herself.

Mrs Irurhe said she tried to have a baby for many years and had gone to many hospitals both within and outside the country for a solution to her childlessness. But in 2010, her journey came to an end when she was introduced to St. Ives Hospital and her treatment began.

” I believe we should not limit God and what the doctors can do in this modern age. I believed it was the appointed time to end my childlessness and we never gave up hope on God.”

When asked about societal and family pressures, she said: “we didn’t go through much pressure, even though our marriage is cross cultural- I am Yoruba, my husband is Edo- but we remained hopeful.”

The husband, Mr Irurhe said even though there was some pressures, we ignored it. ” I wasn’t thinking of another wife. I came from a monogamous family and I decided she is all I have. The family was understanding too and we fought together to get this baby”

Mrs Irurhe parting words to couples: ” I will advise couples who are trying to get a baby to try the IVF. My case has rekindled hope for the barren woman. I will say the couple should relax and take it as comes, they will surely smile,” she said.

Her IVF success testimony have raised the hope of older women who may want to go the way of IVF to have a baby.

For IVF success stories in Nigeria, we are breaking more grounds. A couple from Jos broke Mr and Mrs Irurhe record in 2018!

Read their testimony below as culled from Vanguard

I never gave up on a dream to have a child- 63 -year- old woman who gave birth through IVF after 38 years of marriage. One of the stunning IVF success stories in Nigeria

67 year old Francis Davou, who retired from the Nigerian Air Force in 2008, and wife, Margaret, 63, a retiree from the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), are the happiest couples in the world after Margaret was delivered of their first child through Caeserean Section after 38 years of Marriage.

” This is not my first attempt to have a child. I have undergone many surgeries and have done the treatment in different hospitals outside Plateau State. This is the fourth time; three times in other hospitals”, the new mother told Vanguard. The baby girl was named Bes and Hannah. Bes is a Berom word for miracle.


Despite their age, the Davous never gave up on their dream of having a child. So when a relative told them about a fertility centre in Jos, they prayed and took their chance.

” We put our money together. We are both retired, so we didn’t have much money but the doctors helped us. we went to the hospital and they gave us some treatment, and thank God it worked,” Margaret said.

When asked if she ever attempted to go spiritual in the past to address her childlessness, she denied. “My husband is a pastor; we have always depended on God. Some people have accused me of going to one place in Lagos to conceive but i don’t mind because I trust God and they will hear my testimony.”

Francis, on his part, now a pastor, spoke on his experience during their 38 years of childlessness. “My experience was bitter”, he said.

” I am, however, very happy and grateful to God because it is only Him that knows what happened”. Asked how he coped as it sometimes difficult for a man to endure a childless woman, the obviously elated father replied, “Christianity.”

“My encouragement was from my own mother. She did not encourage me to marry another woman, she encouraged me to stay because she herself is a mother and she trusted in the power of God and that a child will come when it is time by the grace of God,” he said.

I hope this IVF success stories in Nigeria inspires you today. Be encouraged. Ignore the IVF stigmas. Add work to faith.

***********And One other Thing**************

Taking you through the IVF success stories in Nigeria, you can see that I ensured both the husband and the wife gave account of their struggles, disappointments, pains, and psychological traumas of being childless before their testimonies. This is aimed to dispel our societal beliefs on infertility that totally blames the woman and frees the man

Infertility is a couple thing. It is defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy within one year duration of regular (evenly spaced 48 hours interval) ejaculatory vaginal sexual intercourse without contraception between a man and woman in the reproductive age group.

Infertility is caused by 40% a male problem, 40% a female problem, and the remaining cause is 20% unknown.

Share any IVF success stories in Nigeria you know with this site.

These stories where culled from:



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