Some educative, amazing, and interesting fun facts about the human body. This article contains largest and smallest organs in the body, largest and smallest glands in the human body, strongest organs in the body, longest blood vessels, smallest blood vessels, largest blood vessels, smallest and largest bones in the body and many more fun facts.
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#FuLL view of Human Anatomy😇😇
Some Facts About Human Body
Number of bones – 206
Number of kidneys – 2
Number of milk teeth – 20
Number of ribs – 24 (12 pairs)
Number of chambers in the heart – 4
Largest and longest artery – Aorta
Normal Blood pressure – 120 – 80
PH of blood: 7.35 – 7.45
Number of bones in New born body – 300
Number of Fallopian tubes – 2
Number of vertebrae in the spine – 33
Number of vertebrae in the Neck – 7
Number of bones in Face – 14
Number of bones in Skull – 22 bones held together by sutures
Number of bones in Chest – 25
Number of bones in Arms – 6
Number of bones in human foot – 33
Number of muscles in the human body – 639
Smallest bone in the body – stapes (found in the ear)
Total number of organs in the human body – 79
Number of bones in each wrist – 8
Number of bones in hand – 27
Number of bones in each human ear – 3
Number of muscles in the human arm – 72
Largest organ in the body – Skin
Largest gland – Liver
Largest internal organ – Liver
Number of sense organs – 5
Smallest cell – Blood cell
Biggest cell – Egg cell (ovum)
Largest external organ – Skin
Smallest bone – Stapes
First transplanted organ – Heart
Average length of small intestine – 7 m
Average length of large intestine – 1.5 m
Average weight of new born baby – 2.6 kg.
Pulse rate in one minute – 72 times
Body Temperature – 36.9o C (98.4o F)
Average blood volume – 4 – 5 liters
Average life of RBC – 120 days
Pregnancy period – 280 days
Largest endocrine gland – Thyroid
Largest lymphatic organ – Spleen
Largest cell – Nerve cell
Largest part of brain – Cerebrum
Oldest part of the brain- cerebellum
Largest and strongest bone – Femur
Weight of the liver – 1.6kg (3.5 pounds)
Smallest muscle – Stapedius (Middle ear )
Heaviest organ in the body – liver
Number of chromosomes in human cell – 46 (23pairs)
Smallest organ on human body – pineal gland
Largest muscle – Buttock (Gluteus Maximus)
Number of muscles in the hand – 34
The longest muscle is the sartorius muscle in the thigh
The longest single nerve is the sciatic nerve in the thigh.
Largest vein in the body- Inferior Vena Cava
Longest vein in the body – Great Saphenous vein
Thinnest and smallest blood vessels- capillaries
Smallest veins in the body- Venules
Number of muscles that holds the eyeball in place: 6
Number of capillaries in the body – 300 million
Volume of blood in an adult human body: 5-6 litres
The heart beats about 35 million times in a year. During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times.
If all arteries, veins, and capillaries of the human circulatory system were laid end to end, the total length would be 60,000 miles, or 100,000 km. That’s nearly two and a half times around the Earth!
Human hair grows about 1/4 inch (about 6 millimeters) every month and keeps on growing for up to 6 years. The hair then falls out and another grows in its place.
The fastest growing hair in the human body is the facial hair (beards)
Women’s heart beat faster than men’s.
The strongest organ in our body is the tongue.
The female left breast is larger than the right
Women blink twice as much as men. The average person blinks around 13 times a minute.
The last sense that disconnects while dying is the sense of hearing. The first one being eye vision, followed by taste, smell and touch.
A man can survive without a heart – Craig Lewis has proven this.
Our eyes stay the same size from the moment we are born until we are old age, but the ears and nose does not stop growing.
Humans can remember 50,000 scents. Dogs can remember 1,000,000 scents!
The left lung is smaller than the right.
About 80 percent of the brain tissue is water.
The brain is only 2% of our body weight, but needs more oxygen that any other organ, what makes it the most vulnerable in a case of lack of oxygen. 7 seconds without oxygen to the brain will result in passing out. 4 minutes will result in death.
The brain can hold up to 1,00 terabytes of information – which is equivalent to 15 national libraries!
The brain is more active at night than in the day.
A dream lasts for just 2- 3 seconds.
The lifespan of the hair is 3-7 years. Some authors say 3 to 6 years.
The strongest muscles in the body are the heart, uterus, soleus, gluteus maximus, and masseter. Some authors say the tongue is the strongest muscle.
We shed and regrow our skin every 27 days.
Humans, Primates and Koalas are the only creatures in nature with fingerprints.
The fastest growing nail is the nail on the 3rd finger of your dominant hand.
Man’s testicles produce over 10,000,000 sperm cells everyday. this is enough sperm to repopulate the entire earth population within 6 months.
At age 35, the hanging body loses about 7,000 brain cells everyday. Lost brain cells cannot be replaced.
Conclusion: The Human Anatomy is far more complex than this. Science is on the march to unravel more. #Science facts only#
