Can ginger garlic Turmeric and cloves cure Staphylococcus?
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Let me make make it clear to you know.
The combo of ginger , garlic , tumeric and cloves cannot cure Staphylococcus infections.
Garlic cannot cure Staphylococcus
Tumeric cannot cure Staphylococcus
Ginger cannot cure Staphylococcus
Cloves cannot cure STAPHYLOCOCCUS
The brouhaha about S.aureus is only caused by uninformed charlatans particularly alternative practitioners who want to fester their nest.They lack the skill to identify the organism and are aided by the Nigerian press to hype the false news and unfortunately are now even getting the so called knowledgeable buy thier fake story Well done Staph aureus is a common skin commensal in most cases.
1. Staphylococcus is not a disease entity, it is just a bacterium.
2. It is not a sexually transmitted infection. It cannot be transmitted via intercourse.
3. It is not toilet infection.
4. It does not cause loss of sleep.
5. It does not cause “noisy stomach” or crawling sensation in the skin.
6. It does not cause ‘internal heat’
7. It does not cause excessive sweating.
8. It does not cause vaginal discharge.
9. It is not a cause of tubal factor infertility.
10. It does not cause fibroid.
11. It does not cause urethral discharge.
12. It does not cause low sperm count.
13. It does not cause erectile dysfunction.
14. It does not cause premature ejaculation.
15. It does not cause poor sexual performance.
16. There is no such thing as “ chronic staph”.

Staphylococcus is one of the numerous bacteria that live in our world, just like streptococcus. It is classified as a Gramm positive, bacterium and has many species like;
staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus epidermis, staphylococcus hominis, staphylococcus saprophyticus and many others.
As a matter of fact, most staphylococcus species live all over our skin and mucous membranes (no matter how clean) as commensal, and do not cause any harm except in some unusual circumstances. For instance, the staphylococcus saprophyticus is part of the normal flora of the lower female genital tract. That is to say, if you take a swab of any part of the skin for culture, it will most likely grow staphylococcus, and the uninformed will see it as an infection, which it is not!
I often overhear people suggest to their friends and colleagues to go and do culture, as if it’s the solution to whatever problem they may have. The finding of staphylococcal organisms outside their usual pathological domain during culture is most likely to be a contaminant from the skin or immediate environment.
1. The staphylococcus food poisoning. The staphylococcus bacteria can gain access to poorly stored food -soup, fruits, salad etc and infect them. A person who eats food that has been poisoned with stappylococcus toxin can come down with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea etc. that is called staphylococcal food poisoning.
2. Staphylococcus skin infections like Boils, impetigo, cellulititis, especially in infants. It can also be seen in immunocompromised, chronic diseases like diabetes, and intravenous drug abusers.
3. Surgical wound breakdown, injection abscess especially if the skin is poorly cleaned.
4. It can cause urinary tract infection especially in women, when the normal commensal in the vagina is transferred to the urethral opening, or during urethral catheterization for both sexes. As a matter of fact, staphylococcus is the least of the causes of urinary tract infection. It is not as common as people declare it, though.
5. In severe cases can enter the blood and multiply and cause endocarditis (heart), osteomyelitis (bones), pneumonias, abscess in any internal organ, sepsis and toxic shock syndrome.
This write up about Staphylococcus was put up by Dr Kingsley Agholor to enlighten the public about the lies out there concerning Staphylococcus.
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Good day sir, please what do I do if this staph has gained entrance into my blood ?
See a doctor