How can one use a male condom properly to avoid pregnancy and STDs?
A lot of guys and ladies alike complain of getting a girl pregnant or getting impregnated or contracting sexually transmitted infections despite use of condom during sexual intercourse. When I ask them if they used the condoms properly, from their narratives, I am always not impressed by their condom use practices. Poorly using a condom is as good as not using a condom at all. If a barrier method, especially the male condom, is properly used and instructions of the manufacturer strictly adhered to, it offers about a 95 percent protection /prevention against stds (HIV) and pregnancy.
Below are instructions on how to use a male condom correctly.. ..
Proper use of male condom
- Use condom only once
- Use it once and dispose
- Do not wash and re-use a condom
- Always make sure it is handy or within reach
- Avoid fakes. Make sure you are buying the original.
- Condoms are better used when not under the influence of alcohol or hard drugs
- Check that the date in which the condom is still good to be used has not passed (expiry date)
- The package of the condom should be opened carefully with fingers (and not with teeth) to avoid damage to the condom
- Vaseline or other oils should not be rubbed on the condom before it is used. It is already lubricated. Lubricants weakens condoms and make them prone to breakage.
- Ensure there is no tear or hole in the condom by allowing air inside it
- The condom should be put only on an erect penis
- Wear the whole length of the condom over the erect penis
- Leave a small space between the end of the punishment and the tip of the condom
- There should not be any contact between the penis and the vagina before wearing the condom
- Ensure you withdraw during orgasm
- Check the tip of the condom to make sure there is no tear
- Make condom use a habit
- Condom already contain spermicide.
- If you notice anything tear in the condom after intercourse please your partner should take postinor if it is female
- If the condom is observed to have torn during use, the couple should visit a health worker for further help
- Please do not stealth. Stealthing is the deliberate act of secretly removing the condom during sexual intercourse. It is a criminal office in some advanced countries.
- Every used condom should be tied, wrapped in paper and thrown into a dustbin or pit. You can also bury them.
- Condoms are not flushable. It will end up clogging and blocking your sinks.