avocado smoothie for weight gain

AVOCADO smoothie for our weight gain. For this recipe you’ll need 👇
– Avocado
– milk
– yogurt
– honey (optional)_replace with date syrup for babies
– banana

Your milk should have a good amount of fat do not use a slime milk, let’s get to it.

Wash your avocado and cut into two parts, you can decide to use a whole avocado or half of it depending on the quantity of smoothie you want to achieve.

Now, after cutting open your avocado start scooping out the avocado with a spoon proceed to adding it in your blender, put in your two fingers of bananas (chopped into smaller chunks) milk, yogurt and honey (optional) Now start blending and checking on your smoothies if it’s too thick you can add more water, milk or yogurt to release it thick mixture, pour into your glass cup and serve.

If you want to achieve a cold smoothie you can refrigerate the items you’re using before marking or simply put your already blended smoothie in the fridge/ freezer for it to get cold before you drink up.

Should be taken after meals, can also serve as breakfast for those that find it hard to eat anything for breakfast simply drink up before stepping out, can be taken twice in a day.


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