Health benefits of Greek yogurt and honey….Greek yogurt with honey weight loss…Yogurt and honey benefits for face…Eating yogurt with honey benefits…Does honey kill probiotics in yogurt…

Yoghurt and honey are two nutritious foods, which when combined, make a delicious and healthy drink. Greek yoghurt and honey mix can be a good source of probiotics, help with beauty and skincare including acne treatment and also provide energy.

Honey is made up of Proteins, Vitamins B & C, Magnesium, Calcium, Carbs, Sugars, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Alkanoids, Flavonoids and more.

Health benefits of Greek yogurt and honey
The Health benefits of Greek yogurt and honey are listless

Yoghurt on the other hand, contains live bacteria (known as probiotics), that help protect against bacteria, aid digestion and boost immune function. This can help provide a range of health benefits. Which will be discussed in this article.

There are a lot of health benefits Greek yoghurt and honey provides. The most popular is for beauty and skincare regimen. It makes a perfect blend for all kinds of skin types.

Let’s take a look at more health benefits of Greek yoghurt and honey.

Health Benefits of Greek yoghurt and honey

Here are the health benefits of Greek yoghurt and honey:

Improve immunity:

Yoghurt contains vitamins and minerals that help fight off bacteria, virus and fungal infections. When combined with honey, becomes a good probiotic that helps boost functioning of the white blood cell. Consumption can help improve your immune system.

Healing wounds and burns:

Applying yoghurt and honey mix can help with healing wounds and treating burns. Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help kill bacteria in wounds and reduce inflammation (pain, swelling and redness).

Improve digestive system:

Greek yoghurt and honey makes a good probiotic that can help your digestive system function optimally. This drink can help prevent diarrhea, constipation and allow for free bowel movement. In addition, it can help protect your intestines from diseases such as colon cancer.

Keep bones and teeth healthy:

Calcium and Vitamin D content in yoghurt help keep bones and teeth healthy and strong. To avoid bone issues like osteoporosis; you can add this to your diet.

Decrease blood pressure:

Yoghurt and honey drink can be a good drink to help reduce blood pressure. This is because of the potassium content in the mixture.

Aid weight loss:

Yoghurt has been shown to help with weight loss. For those with the intention of losing weight; yoghurt and honey mix is an excellent addition to your diet plan. Consumption helps with belly fat and weight loss.

Improve nervous system functioning:

Consumption of yoghurt helps keep your nervous system active and functioning properly. A mixture of yoghurt and honey drink will help prevent you from the risks of developing neurological disorders like stroke.

Cleanse the skin:

Greek yoghurt and honey mix is highly beneficial for skin health. The presence of vitamin C and the active ingredients in yoghurt makes it great for skin exfoliation and cleansing.

To use, make a mixture from a teaspoon of yoghurt and honey and rub on your face evenly. But before rubbing; ensure your face is cleaned and dried. While rubbing, give a little massage. Leave on your face for 10 minutes and rinse afterwards with cold water. Thereafter, pat dry with a towel. To achieve a smooth skin without blemishes and free from acne; apply this mix daily.

Improve hair health:

Manganese and zinc in yoghurt can help strengthen your hair from the root and prevent hair loss. It also nourishes the scalp, and gets rid of dandruff.

Lower cholesterol levels:

To maintain a good cholesterol level, yoghurt drink can help with that. The high content of lactic acid reduces bad cholesterol and increases healthy cholesterol levels.

Protect female genital tract:

The high content of lactic acid in yoghurt makes it a good probiotic for improving female health and the overall female genital tract. Regular consumption of Greek yogurt and honey can protect you from infections such as candidiasis, vaginosis etc by improving the good bacteria (lactobacilli) in your genital tract. More so, it prevents damage to a growing foetus during pregnancy as a result of inflammation.

Yogurt and honey benefits for face

Yogurt and honey is good for the skin and helps to smoothen the face of pimples.

Lastly, honey does not kill the probiotics in yogurt.

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Stella-maris Achumba

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