Can I cross from Biochemistry to medicine in OAU? Can i transfer from biochemistry to medicine?
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Answer: Yes you can and there are several ways of doing so. Biochemistry in most universities, OAU not being an exception is majorly populated by students who have been rejected by the College of Health Sciences, Faculty of Clinical Sciences or the Department of Medicine, mostly due to their inability to meet one requirement or the other (the cut-off marks of JAMB or the post-UTME).

There are three ways through which you can change your course from Biochemistry to Medicine in OAU .
The first way of changing your course to Medicine is by writing the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination again along with the Post UTME of the school after which if you meet up to the cut-off marks for admission for that year (Usually 80 and above out of hundred), you will be offered admission to study Medicine in the Faculty of Clinical Sciences as a Part 1 (100 level) student.
The second way of getting into the Medicine from the department of Biochemistry is through internal transfer/ Change of course in the university popularly known as “Leg”. But of course you can only be accepted by the Faculty of Clinical Sciences if you perform exceptionally well in your first two semesters in Biochemistry, that is you should score at least an “A” in the following courses; Physics (PHY), Chemistry (CHM), Zoology (ZOO), and Use of English (SER). Generally a very good result will qualify you for assured internal transfer to Medicine.
Lastly if you are still an aspiring student and after writing both UTME and post UTME you discover your score doesn’t meet up with the cut-off mark for Medicine, there is always the option of A-levels which enables you to further your studies in Medicine in OAU from Part 2 provided also that you perfrom well on the Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB) examination. OAU also offers pre-degree courses for aspiring OAU students which perpares them thoroughly for studying in the university.
Notice that in all three ways there is an attached condition which is to perform excellently in examinations whichever option you choose. This is the fundamental requirement to study Medicine in OAU.Dilligence, Hardwork, Commitment and Focus all play an important role in your attempt to study Medicine. Goodluck in your pursuit of knowledge in the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University (The greatest Ife).
Enoch Olufemi Shyllon , undergraduate Biochemistry student , Obafemi Awolowo University