Is Milo good for diabetics?

Milo is quite ok and perfect for patients living with diabetes. Diabetics can take Milo beverage bit without adding sugar please ….Milo is not bad for diabetics….it does not elevate blood sugar out of proportion and maintains a steady blood glucose.

The sugar content of Milo beverage is too low to make your blood sugar high…enjoy it. Also, when your blood sugar is low (hypoglycemia), a condition common in diabetics, taking a cup of Milo drink can help you come around by normalizing your blood glucose.

Is Milo good for diabetics
Is Milo good for diabetics? Yes

The message is, Milo is okay for diabetics…..but to be on a safe side , don’t add sugar to your chocolate Milo before taking it if you are a diabetic.

Other health tips on dieting for Persons living with diabetes.


🌼One of the most frustrating thing for people with diabetes aside from daily intake of medications is diet. Imagine when your told dont eat this, avoid that… This is more like a death sentence and you want to ask the person if he/she wants you to starve.

If you have diabetes all you need to do is to eat a heathy diet. Eating in moderation is the key to healthy living, not only for diabetic patients but everyone.

Most importantly if your diabetic, AVOID intake of food or liquids containing sugar, Carbonated drinks, pineapples, It’s a NO if you really want to achieve good blood sugar control. Avoid alcohol intake and smoking.

Also, reduce salt intake , cut down intake of carbohydrates and fat diets and increase intake of protein diet. Make sure if you are eating any carbohydrate, it should be with protein diet or vegetables which should be more in quantity compare to the carbohydrate. Eat little quantity of every meal at a time.

Regular Exercise is important and compliance with your diabetic medications either Tablets or Insulin.

It’s advisable to have a personal glucometer to enable you check your blood glucose level on a regular basis at home and don’t forget to have a regular check up with your doctor.

🌼Do share with us what you or your loved ones living with diabetes are doing to maintain a normal glucose control.


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