Is alligator pepper good for pregnant woman. See the effect of alligator pepper on pregnancy in this article…
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What is the effect of alligator pepper on pregnancy?
A pregnant woman that is 8 weeks pregnant want to find out if it is safe to take or eat alligator pepper during pregnancy…Truly, a lot of people have written me saying they want to find out if alligator pepper can terminate early pregnancy or cause a miscarriage.
From my mailbox:
Good morning doc, this is Nana writing you from Ghana. I want to thank you for all you do. The NIGERIAN HEALTH BLOG is one of the biggest authority health blogs in Ghana….and it is a huge work you are doing here. Now, doctor,I am in the first trimester of my pregnancy, i am having serious morning sickness with associated vomiting, nausea and salivation. A colleague of mine in my place of work told me to use alligator pepper to get rid of the morning sickness….she told me to eat alligator pepper every morning to relief the excessive salivation and vomiting saying she did similar thing when she was pregnant. It is my first pregnancy. Please doctor , I want to know the effect of alligator pepper on pregnancy. Is it safe, can it cause miscarriage, will it affect my baby and will alligator pepper cause abortion or congenital birth defects?
Nana from Accra, Ghana

My reply;
Thank you for reaching out , Nana of Ghana…. straight to the point, alligator pepper is known to have numerous health benefits and medicinal uses that can never be ignored for sure. But the truth is, alligator pepper is highly contraindicated in pregnancy. Reputable studies have shown that alligator pepper can cause uterine contraction and in process cause miscarriage and expulsion of product of conception…it is on historical record that alligator pepper was used by our foremothers to terminate unwanted pregnancy…they practically used alligator pepper for abortion. So, Nana, I advise that since you are pregnant, avoid eating alligator pepper or even drinking herbal products at all.
Please protect your pregnancy and unborn baby, don’t consume alligator pepper as it can cause pregnancy loss and possibly congenital birth defects. Alligator pepper is bad for pregnancy?
If you have severe symptoms of morning, you can eat African apple star (called agbalumo) or lick TomTom candy….a bottle of Sprite soft drink also relieve morning sickness….don’t forget to also talk to your doctor about this.
Thank you…
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