Nigerian foods to avoid when trying to lose weight.
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Which foods to avoid when trying to lose weight.🍜🍿🍲🍚🥘🍳🍔🥞🧀
One way to lose weight is to eat a more healthful diet and avoid the the unhealthy ones with too much calories. Knowing which foods to avoid and which to eat can help a person reach or maintain their ideal weight.

In general, when trying to lose weight, it is best to reduce or avoid foods that are calorie dense. However, the number of calories in a food is not the only factor to consider.
For example, low-calorie foods that lack nutrients such as fiber and protein can still leave a person feeling hungry and unsatisfied, which can make it harder to resist snacking.
In this article, we discuss 26 different types of Nigerian foods to avoid eating when trying to lose weight.
Nigerian foods to avoid when trying to lose weight.
① Sugary drinks like coke, fanta, sprite, 7up, Pepsi, malt etc
② Baked foods
③ French fries
④ Hamburgers
⑤ Crackers and chips
⑥ White pasta and bread
⑦ White rice
⑧ Energy and granola bars
⑨ Dried fruits
⑩ Sweetened yogurt
①① Ice cream
①② Processed meat
①③ Alcohol
①④ Candy bars
15. Agege bread
16. Eba (Igbos call it garri)
17. Beer like gulder , life, hero, 33, stout , star, Goldberg….take and see your you develop beer belly (pot belly) and weight gain.
18. Cassava fufu
19. Potato chips, plantain chips and gala
20. Starch
21. Stop taking alcohol or cut down your alcohol intake by 95 percent
22. Pounded yam
23. Indomie noodles.
24. Butter or myonaise
25. Egg roll
26. Sharwama
When trying to lose weight or maintain a healthful weight, it is important to choose the right foods and to avoid those that are calorie-dense but low in fiber, protein, and other healthful nutrients.
People who are unable to achieve a healthful weight through diet and exercise may wish to consider speaking to a doctor or dietician.
I also wrote about low calories Nigeria diet on this link….click to read.
Written by Jennifer Berry with contributions from