Benefits of dates with milk at morning, Benefits of dates with milk at night for weight gain.

Dates with milk are not just tasty but also beneficial to your body and general well-being.

Health benefits if drinking date and milk smoothie especially in the morning and at night

This combination can cure many diseases:

1. Cough
Eat dates with warm milk and honey to remove sputum and fight a prolonged cough.

Anaemia, nervous diseases, erectile dysfunction
Another fantastic benefit of dates is that you can use them to cure anaemia, erectile dysfunction, and nervous diseases.

Benefits of dates with milk at morning or at night
Dates with milk milkshakes

2. Insomnia
If you are suffering from a lack of sleep, you need to eat 2-3 of these fruits and then drink warm milk.

3. Constipation

What are the benefits of eating dates on an empty stomach? This delicious fruit can help put to an end your constipation complications.

4. Heart pain (angina) and arrhythmias
If you feel a high heart rate or chest pain, Eating two dates with two teaspoons of honey and half a glass of milk would be beneficial.

5. Hypertension
If there are no contraindications, then it is recommended to eat 50-70 g of dates in the morning soaked in milk thirty minutes before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks. You can repeat it after a week and a half. Dates with milk helps lower blood pressure.

6. Flatulence
If you mix the crushed fruit with ground black cumin in a 2:1 ratio and add to the glass of milk, this will help cope with the increased gas formation.

These fruits would help to minimise alcohol intoxication. They need to be soaked in milk for a day and then use the softened fruits. The resulting infusion is incredible.

8. Low sperm count

Taking a cup of dates with milk juice first thing in the morning and last thing at night will help a man increase his sperm count and even treat erectile dysfunction.

9. Helps a man lasts longer in bed.

A combo of dates and milk helps a man boosts his libido, stamina and helps him last much longer in bed. A combo drink of dates and milk helps a man to treat the troubles of erectile dysfunction.

10. Menstrual problems.

A combo drink of milk and dates help restore menses, boost ovulation , and relieves menstrual cramps.

11. Relieves stomach ulcer.

A mixture of dates and milk drink coats the ulcer surface and helps to relieve ulcer pains and may promote ulcer healing.

12. Dates with milk is good for diabetes as it helps maintain blood sugar.

13. Benefits of dates with milk for skin….dates plus milk combination helps you to grow a smooth, shiny and healthy skin.

14. Dates and milk shakes can help you gain weight and become fat. Some use it for weight loss though…it depends on the amount of milk and other ingredients you add.

The common reported side effects of dates with milk are vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pains, food poisoning from contamination.



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