Herbs and their Twi names and uses. Herbs and their Akan names
Ghana is a country full of numerous medicinal plants. We have about 2,000 herbs with their Twi names or akan names.
Basic uses of herbs
1. Used as food for their nutritional value
2. Herbs are used in the making of modern orthodox drugs.
3. Herbs are beneficial for their medicinal properties.
4. Herbal plants are used for medical research
5. Treatment of various illnesses
Herbs and their Twi names and uses
1. African tuliptree – Kokonisuo
2. Gold coast bombax – AkonkodeE
3. Poison devils pepper – Kakapenpen
4. Paullinia pinnata – Tuantini
5. Alstonia boonei – Nyame dua
6. Siam weed – Acheampong
7. Morind lucida – Konkroma/ngo ne nkyene
8. Poaceae – Abirekyire abodwese
9. Deinbollia grandifolia – Asikoto
10.Pycnanthus angolensis – OteE
11.Pisonia aculeata – Akobowere
12.Scent leaf – Nunum
13.Justicia flava – Afema
14.Jute mallow – Ayoyo
15.Balm – Emee (emmanex herbs)
16.Punarnava – Aposumpo
17.Negro pepper – Hwentia
18.Indian-almond – Abrofo nkate
19.Wireweed – Obrane atu ata
20. Lantana Camara- Ananse dokono
21.Nettle – Honhon/Bonhon
22.Cloves – pepre or dadoa amba
23.Mistletoe – Nkranpan
24.Anise – Nkitinkiti
25.Purslane – Adwera
26.Wormweed – Ahahanhene
27.Griffonia – Kagya
28.Stinking weed – Nkodaankodaa brodeE
29.Anthocleista nobilis – Owudifuokete
30.Phyllanthaceae – Bowommaguwakyi
31.Abelmosk -Okra/ nkruma
32.Yellow Oleander – nnye me nnyere me (do not take me and bind me )
33. Butterfly pea annanse trumuhoma
34. India almond -abrofo nkatie
35. Nettle – bonhon or honhon
36. Basil – Akoko Mesa
37. African nutmeg – wedie abain
38. Guinea pepper – efon wisa
39. African locust beans – dawadawa
40. Fennel seed – Nkitinkiti
41. Mint leaves – nunum
42. Scotch bonnet pepper – kpakposhito
43. Alligator pepper – Efon wisa
44. Stinking fish – momone
45. Ginger – akekaduro
46. Black pepper – esoro wisa
47..purslane – adwera
48. Mucuna pruriens – aduapia
49. Amaranthus spinosus – Nkasenkase
50. Banana – Kwadu
51. Mango – Amango
52. Orange – Ankaa
53. Pineapple – Aborobe
54. Pawpaw – borofre

READ ALSO; Health benefits of nyame dua leaves
Please what are the twi names of these plants or herbs in Ghana
1. Hyssop
2. Rosemary spices.
3. Thyme
4. Dill seed.
5. Cedar.
6. Turmeric.
7. Orange pill.
8. Bergamot Mint
9. Ginger oil.
10. Bayleaf
11. Sage plant
12. Garlic
13. Curry leaves
14. Black pepper
15. Parsley leaf
16. Twi name for fenugreek seed
17. Twi name for chia seed
18. Organo plant
Many persons are really interested in the Twi name of bayleaf.
What is Twi Language and who are the people that speak it?
According to Wikipedia, “Twi , also known as Akan kasa, or Akan-speak, is a dialect of the Akan language spoken in southern and central Ghana by several million people, mainly of the Akan people, the largest of the seventeen major ethnic groups in Ghana. Twi has about 17–18 million speakers in total, including second-language speakers; about 80% of the Ghanaian population speaks Twi as a first or second language. Like other West-African languages, Twi is a tonal language.”
Who knows the twi name for carrot, spinach, beetroot, grapes, pepper, cabbage, onions, groundnut etc? Share in the comments please.
Emmanuel Akwasi Antwi
Great work 👏 God bless you 🙏
Very useful information, thumbs up
Twi name for fenugreek seed
Dont know the twi name but can get you some if you need them at very moderate price