Did you know that to much caffeine can cause irritability, heartburn, stomach ulcer and rapid heartbeat, just to name a few.
And many popular energy drinks are far worse when it comes to ingredients.
Not only do they contain VERY high caffeine and sugar levels, but they’re also infused with excessive amounts of taurine, which can cause serious side effects when consumed in large quantities.
Alarmingly, the amount of people hospitalized because of energy drink consumption doubled between 2007 and 2011, from 10,068 to 20,783.2
By 2014, more than 10 percent of emergency room visits by people age 12 or older involving energy drinks resulted in hospitalization.
To most of us the word caffeine means natural, but in reality, the stuff in your energy drink is far from natural.
We can all use a little boost of energy in our daily lives, and the LifeWave Energy Enhancer patches are a safe, effective alternative with no caffeine, drugs or stimulants.
Besides all of those concerns just a few cups of coffee and energy drinks to many all at once or over a period of time can cost you not only your health but also your hard earned money.
Cutting down your reliance on these drinks is easier done when you make sure you patch yourself with Energy Enhancer before leaving the house. This will help break the bad habit of consuming caffeine and sugary loaded drinks just for energy.
Of course we all want to enjoy life and indulge sometimes for enjoyment. But we don’t want to depend on these high calorie and chemical loaded drinks for our energy.
The Energy Enhancer patches will also assist your body to burn fat so instead of possibly putting weight on from your sugar fix drinks is it now possible to experience weight reduction.
You may find that at the end of the day when your work is done you are still in the mood to visit the gym or go for a walk with the family.
Energy Enhancer as well as any of our other LifeWave smart patches can make every day as well as your future life a longer, happier, and more productive one.
Energy enhancer patches are not without side effects, please discuss with your doctor about the possible safety, benefits and side effects of livewave energy enhancer patch before you use it.
Culled from Facebook for the education of our teeming readers….This is NOT an advertisement or an endorsement.