Malaria drugs for pregnant woman in Nigeria…Anti malaria drugs for pregnant woman in Nigeria

There is such a thing as Malaria in Pregnancy.

Have you heard of it?

The other day, I saw one pregnant woman dumping her anti malaria drug💊 in the waste bin🚮 on the excuse that she does not like the “odour” of the drug.

You don’t need to like the “odour” madam !!
Malaria in pregnancy is nothing we joke with in medicine, it is dangerous to both the mother and the unborn baby. The effects of malaria in pregnancy includes:

1. Anaemia, the malaria parasite destroys the red blood cells in the mother, this will lead to decreased placental sufficiency. This means that baby too will be affected, he/she will get decreased blood supply from the mother which is necessary for growth.

It will lead to:

👉Low birth weight
👉Intrauterine growth restriction (baby won’t grow again in the womb)
👉Intrauterine fetal demise— still birth (baby could die in the womb).

Preggy even though you don’t have malaria, take the drug. They know the type, they have given you.

It’s called intermittent preventive treatment.
They are preventing malaria from happening sef, because it has never been our portion.

Also sleep in your Long Lasting insecticide treated net. That one we gave you in the hospital.

It is imperative you attend your Antenatal clinic classes.

With this few points of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you and not confuse you that your antimalaria drug💊 shouldn’t be in the waste bin🚮

Safe Anti Malaria Drugs for Pregnant Woman in Nigeria

I am compiling a list of of safe malaria drugs for Nigerian pregnant women by trimester…this is strictly based on the antimalarial medications Nigerian Obstetricians prescribe for pregnant women.

1. First trimester (0 -13 weeks) safe anti-malarial medications

👉Quinine is the safest antimalarial drug in pregnancy in first trimester

👉Injection EMAL (α-β artemether) can be used to treat severe cases of malaria in the first trimester.

👉Chloroquine is safe for first trimester but yes been discontinued by both the WHO and Federal Government.

Safe Anti Malaria Drugs for Pregnant Woman in Nigeria
Quinine is one of the safest antimalarial medications for pregnancy in Nigeria

2. Second trimester (14 -26weeks)

👉Sunday Sunday medicine called fansidar is safe for pregnant women around 16 weeks of pregnancy and 34 weeks of pregnancy.

👉 You can use Artemisinin combination therapy (ACTs) like Coartem, lonart, amatem forte, lokmal

3. Third trimester (27 – 37 weeks)

You can use Artemisinin combination therapy (ACTs) like Coartem, lonart, amatem forte, lokmal, lonart double strength.

4. All trimesters

1. Quinine is the safest antimalarial drug in all all trimesters…that means Nigerian pregnant women can take quinine in their first, second and third trimester… It is safe.

2. Chloroquine injections or tablets is safe for pregnant women in all trimesters… The problem is the federal government of Nigeria has banned the use of Chloroquine for the treatment of malaria because of resistance.

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