Full Cream Peak Milk Vs Filled Peak Milk: Difference between full cream and filled peak milk….
ONE would expect that the #difference between #full cream peak milk and #filled peak milk will be strictly related to the cholesterol content, fat content, sugar content, calorie content and what have you. But this is not the true mindset of the manufacturers of peak diary products, both #full cream peak milk and #filled peak milk are similar in composition in almost all ramification, the difference between #full cream and #filled peak milk is very minimal…the filled peak milk has low fat, low cholesterol and is made from vegetable fat while the full cream peak milk is rich in cholesterol, rich in fats and made from animal fat. The full cream peak milk is believed to be richer, creamier and more nutritious than the filled peak milk. This means the filled cream peak milk is better for weight loss because of its low fat content while the full cream peak milk is good for weight gain because if its high fat and cholesterol content.

The launching of full cream milk and filled peak milk into the Nigerian market by the manufacturer of peak milk is just a marketing strategy devised to keep the consumers of peak to continue patronizing the product irrespective of their earnings and purchasing power.
A psychologist and marketing strategist, Raphael Ben writes on the salient #differences between full cream and filled peak milk…
Straight to the point!
I must confess, I’m so in love with the peak milk brand, from their visual communication to their online engagement and their product content.
Top on the list of milk brands is the peak.
Peak milk has been successful in selling different sizes of their products.
But what about the full cream and filled cream? Why use those terms to sell same sized products?
It’s simply a marketing strategy to reach those who prefer quantity (filled cream) over quality(full cream). But not just that.
As a tin of peak milk rose to N200, a lot of people became more compelled to use their competitors’ products, which cost N150.
Peak knowing this, deviced a strategy to retain their customers by creating the filled cream which costs N150, and still sold the full cream at N200.
They subtly sold it in a way that you either go with full cream or filled cream, in any way, you would still buy their product.
How does this apply to your business?
Coca cola understands this, that’s why there’s zero sprite, zero fanta and zero coke, so you don’t run away complaining how small the 35cl is or how costly the bigger size is.
If you offer services and products, it’s strategic to have options for your customers.
As a hair stylist, Don’t just price your hair styling for N10,000, you could make a lesser option of N5,000 yet with lesser benefits so those who can’t afford to pay N10,000 will go with the lesser package.
This strategy obeys the principle of contrast. When you present two options to a customer, they have greater tendencies to go with one, than when they are left to one price alone. Customers want to make their buying decisions without feeling compelled.
Meanwhile, another subtle strategy here could be that you put a price higher than your usual price, so people would leave the higher price and fall back to your usual price. If this makes sense, let’s get your reaction or opinion here.
So, let’s go practical.
State a product or service you render in the comment which you know most prospects complain about the price, let’s create options and see results for yourself.
If you’ve read this, it would make a whole lot of sense and results when you take the action plan or practical above.
Meanwhile, what did you learn from this?
This article is the intellectual property of www.nimedhealth.com.ng and marketing strategist Ben Raphael.