Side Effects & Health Benefits of Aidan Fruit | Aridan | Prekese.
Another Banger today on prekese!!!
Contents of this article:
👉Using Aidan fruit for flat tummy
👉Aidan fruit for weight loss
👉Can Aidan fruit cure infection
👉Aidan fruit and pregnancy
👉Aidan fruit for fibroid
👉Aidan fruit in the Bible
👉Side effects of Aidan fruit/Prekese
👉Health benefits of Prekese
The tetrapleura tetraptera tree is common to West Africa and it produces a rare and unusual spice with exceptional fragrant, sweet and aromatic properties. This spice is called Aidan in ( English) , Aridan in Yoruba dialect, Prekese aka Soup Perfume in (twi in Ghana), Oshoso, Osakirisa, Uhio, Uhiokrihio in (Igbo). Aidan fruit is called uyaya in Efik and the Kalabari’s call it “Apakapakaba”.
Small Assignment: What is the Hausa name for Aidan?
🖊 Let me know what it’s called in your local language.
Grown in few places, mostly Ghana, Nigeria and Isreal. Aridan is used as a spice, a medicine and as a dietary supplement rich in vitamins and minerals.
The Ijaws and Itshekiris of Nigeria particularly use it in preparing traditional soups like pepper soup and palm nut soup called Banga soup. Aridan has a sweetish taste, and quite stringent, its aroma is wonderful and is a culinary delight.
Asides from using it to make soups, it can also be used in desserts and baking.
This spice is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, and phytochemicals.
Do you use Aridan in cooking?
Health benefits of Aidan Fruit | Aridan Fruit | Prekese
1. Can Aidan fruit cure infection?
Well, many persons claim that aridan is very effective for toilet infections in ladies. Many tradomedicals are believed to use it in the treatment of sexually transmitted infection.
2. Aridan is used in the management of schistosomiasis and other blood- borne parasites like malaria parasites.
3. Aidan fruit lowers blood sugar. Its tea is used in the treatment of diabetes.

4. Before now, especially among people of South eastern Nigeria, they used aidan for the treatment of all forms of asthma and airway Aidan tea cures cough.
5. Since Aidan spice has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it is used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.
6. Aidan fruit for fibroid
Without proof and from oral traditions, Aidan fruit is believed to shrink uterine fibroids and enlarge prostate by the Yorubas of Nigeria.
7. Tetrapleura tetraptera reduces episodes of epilepsy and convulsions. Add it to the food of epileptics, it stabilizes and modulates the excessive firing of the central nervous system.
8.. Treatment of Leprosy:
Leprosy is an insidious but infectious disease that affects the nerves, skin, arms, and legs. It can cause microamputation . extract is used to treat leprosy in many local communities.
9. Extracts of aridan fruits, barks, leaves and roots lowers blood pressure
10. Precede boosts immune system since it contains key elements and vitamins like Zinc, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium etc.
11. Prekese or Aridan fruit has anti-aging Properties and prevents wrinkling of the Skin:
Those who wish to continue to look young, especially women, most make Aidan fruits their close pal, and use it to spice up their foods each time they are cooking. The pod contains Polyphenols, Flavonoids, Tannins and Alkaloids which are antioxidants that protect our body from the injurious free oxygen radicals and oxidative damages responsible for aging.
12.. Post-partum recovery and prevention of bleeding after delivery
The greatest health benefit of Aidan plant is the quick recovery of newly delivered mothers. Aidan fruits are used to prepare soups and yam porridge for women immediately they put to bed to enhance post delivery uterine contractions, expulsion of retained placenta and products of conception. This wonderful property of aridan spice or fruit helps to prevent post delivery bleeding.
13. Aidan fruit for weight loss. Can aid fruit be used to achieve flat tummy since it burns away excess fat in the body.
Aidan fruit contains chemicals that promote early satiety and encourage fat reduction in the body. Aidan fruit helps to burn off excess body fats and promote weight loss or weight reduction. Also, Aidan fruit helps remove excess fat from the tummy and makes your tummy flat.
14. Aidan and fertility
Aidan mixed with garlic has been shown to improve libido for bothen and women. It also enhances male erections and sexual performance. For women, Aidan help boosts ovulation and regulates the menstrual cycle.
Side Effects of Aidan fruits
1. Aidan fruit and pregnancy
Aidan fruit is not safe in pregnancy. Aridan fruit should not be eaten by pregnant women because it can can preterm uterine contractions and miscarriage or pregnancy loss. Just like uda, and alligator pepper, Aidan spice has been used from time immemorial by our foremothers for abortion because of its abortificient property. So, if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, do not eat aridan fruit or use the spice to cook, it can cause miscarriage.
2. Other side effects of Aridan fruits are: nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, worsens stomach ulcers and ulcer pains. If you have stomach ulcer, do not eat Aidan spice.
3. Excessive consumption of Aidan fruit may cause kidney and/or liver damage. Take Aidan in small dosages with moderation.
4. Do not mix Aidan with alcohol.
Aidan fruit in the Bible?
Bible believers are of the opinion that Aidan was mentioned in the Bible, a revered book in the Christian segment of the Abrahamic religions. Aidan was mentioned in the book of exodus and because of this, many Christians believe Aidan brings good luck and drives away Ill-luck
PS: Aidan is not only added to food, I have seen people take Aidan as tea. There is packaged Aidan tea and is in the local market. There are also health benefits derived from drinking boiled prekese.
One more thing:
Can Aidan fruit cure Staphylococcus?
No. Aidan fruit is not an antibiotic so it cannot cure staph infection.
Dr Udomoh
In hausa bagaruwar dauri
I really appreciate the information you provided on this seed (Aidan Toro seed). More knowledge to you I pray.
Is it safe for hyperthyroidism,and dosage
See a doctor please
Truly informative indeed.
Thank you so much. More knowledge to you.
And it’s so surprising because it is from a practising medical doctor.
A friend of mine boiled Aidan fruit, uda and uziza seed and drank it mornin and evnin. She has bin bleeding after seeing her period a week ago. So is it a good sign or bad?
Let your friend see a doctor please.
That has been happening to me since last month that I took it. I went to the doctor, he referred me for scan, after seeing the scan results, he said that all the things he suspected was not the cause and he couldn’t trace the cause. I am still bleeding. Sometime, it will flow big, sometimes, small. I am seriously loosing so much blood. Really feeling bad. Breast tingling, cramps.
As I type now, I am bleeding. Feeling breast tingling, cramps, feeling full sometime. The scan showed nothing that could cause it and I am not pregnant. I really wish to stop the bleeding.
Please is there any natural remedies to stop bleeding?
See a doctor please.
Good morning sir. I have done that and he referred me to do scan. I brought the scan result and his explanation was that there’s nothing showed in the scan that could cause it. Please is there food I should avoid to stop it? Thanks
get a dry pawpaw leave and drink morning and nights for some days it will stop, that is what i was ask to take when i was following for days after my period and it stop.
Good morning sir
M trying to conceive
Can i boil Aidan with ginger?
Yes. But see a doctor if you are TTT
I’m a little confused, here. Please, if Aidan fruits help boost ovulation and so, enhance chances of getting pregnant according to the post, how can the same post say we shouldn’t take it if we’re trying to conceive? It’s kind of contradictory.
Don’t be confused and it is not contradictory…Though aidan increases your chances of getting pregnant quite alright….good…it becomes a problem if you don’t detect that you are pregnant on time. That same aidan that boosts ovulation (conception) can also cause miscarriage…it causes uterine contractions….So, be watchful when you are taking prekese while trying to conceive….I hope this is clear now? Take care.
I was about to ask this too,ild rather not take it than risk the aftermath 😩
When,how can I take this drink,is it before my period or after my period and as a woman that went through C-section when can I stop taking it.
You can take it anytime. Stop taking it when you are pregnant
I am in my early 50s i had fibroid and it was operated in 2000, it re grown again i waited for 7years before having babies later regrown again, i had all my children through CS all together 4 operations. now the fibroid is disturbing me it getting bigger it pressed down my bladder, i did not want to go thru operation again, i was happy when i saw that using Aidan could cure fibroid the problem is i have urlcer what can i do pls
See a doctor …..about the ulcer
I recommended it for my mum cuz of waist pains and she’s complaining of feeling maltose whenever she takes it. Is it advisable for her to continue?
Lovely post
I had a miscarriage 12weeks pregnancy ,went to hospital for evacuation then for scan to check if my womb is clean of which they confirmed everything was out but since then I ve been having stomach cramp without blood since four months nw. The stomach cramp occurs every month As if my menses is coming out but no blood at all ,can I use Aidan fruit and negro pepper boiled together and drink?
You can….but see a doctor.
I have been ttc for the past 8yrs the doctor told me I have bilateral tubal blockage at the frimbria end can.pls can the Aidan fruit help me?
No really.
I have issue of blood clot ( in the leg) and am blood group A+, can this fruit (Prekese) be good for me as a blood thinner?
No. See a doctor
Please am trying to concieve. What should I add to Aiden. And howshould I take it
As directed in the article
Pls sir can someone whose period stopped for no reason, take Aidan and garlic?
Am hypertensive patience and been on so many Medications please Doc, can I stop those tablets and start using this natural remedy for now or combine both the tablets and this remedy please your advise highly appreciated
Don’t stop your BP drugs…they are the best for you
I came across this write up just now and I am flagabasted. Sir in my case I have been trying to conceive for many years now. All these time infection has been said to be responsible for the delay. Now the monthly flow has stopped. Is there any magic Aidan could do? If yes, can you describe and prescrib how to prepare it, the quantity and for how long do I need to change or use it? I will appreciate a response from you sir.
See a doctor please
Please, is there any chance of using Aidan fruit to unblock already blocked fallopians tubes?
See a doctor
Hi doctor my scan said I have ovurian cyst and a little fabroid and infection can Aiden fruit mixture I have seen today help me cure me pls
No. See a gynaecologist
good day sir, i have fibroid. about 3, 3cm, 4cm n 2.5cm. i used to have ulcer, please can this nixture cure the fibroid?
See a doctor
Please what can I use to cure this terrible viganer inching
See a doctor
I have irregular period n I took Aidan water but still no period. Is 6months now. All I see is whitish discharge n I have done test , the result said nothing is wrong with me. What will I take to make my period come out again n regular. Am a ttc lady
See a doctor
Does prekese tea cause frequent urination
Possible but see a doctor please
Please when should one take it. During or after period? And for how long?
Any time
This post is really really confusing and complicated, it says that it can stop miscarriage and boost ovulation. The same post is saying we should not take while trying to conceive. Please I really want to understand how?
Aidan fruit juice is very good in woman body.
For the ulcer , it doesn’t affect ulcer and it doesn’t worsen it , for me it healed my ulcer and since I started taking it , anything ulcer stopped immediately. I think you need to make your research well .
Is it actually true that its good for weight loss
Cuz I want to try but I’m scared
An aunty of mine tried and it didn’t work
What herbs cures staphylococcus aureus?
Is it good for men fertility