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The above are google queries and the article below will answer every single one of them. Though long, just be patient and read through.
Medical sciences comprise a number of courses that are not only relatively more competitive but also largely admired as they deal principally with human health. While some are more competitive than others as per the tussle to gain admission into the said courses, it is noteworthy to mention that they are all important in the training of a diversity of personnel dexterous in health care delivery.

All over the world, medical sciences – just like most other disciplines – keep evolving and expanding to include novel specialties as well as subspecialties (micro-specialties). However, I would write on various medical courses offered in Nigerian Universities.
Below are the courses in alphabetical order:
1. Biochemistry:
This is basically a life science discipline that explores the chemical interactions within and related to living things (not only humans). It can come handy to the medical team as per consultation with her medical colleagues, the Medical Biochemists. Degree earned is Bachelors in Biochemistry.
2. Biomedical Technology:
A brilliant medical course that offers one the opportunity of learning how to apply engineering principles in the care of patients. Degree awarded is a Bachelor in Biomedical Technology.
3. Community Health:
This is a medical course that trains on how to optimize health in the community by understanding the effects of interactions amongst individuals as well as between individuals and their environment. Degree earned is a Bachelor in Community Heath.
4. Dental Technology:
This discipline deals with training dental technicians who work with the dental team to construct customize restorative appliances upon prescription by a Dental Clinician (Dental Surgeon). Degree awarded is Bachelor in Dental Technology.
5. Dentistry (Dental Surgery):
A major professional discipline that trains dental doctors who are proficient in performing designated tasks as a dental surgeon as well as be head of the dental team.
The bulk courses that must be passed (apart from routine sciences and general studies courses) to earn the Bachelor in Dental Surgery (BDS) degree chronologically are Anatomy, Physiology, Medical Biochemistry, Oral Biology, Pathology (Chemical pathology, Haematology, Medical Microbiology, Morbid Anatomy/Core pathology), Pharmacology, Operative technique, Prosthetic technique, Medicine, Surgery, Oral Surgery, Restorative Dentistry.
6. Human Anatomy:
This is a vital Basic Medical Science course that deals on the normal structure (morphology) of the human body: both external and internal. Degree awarded is Bachelor in Human Anatomy.
7. Medical Biochemistry:
This is also a vital Basic Medical Science course that deals on the normal chemical processes occurring in humans. It differs from Biochemistry which is a life science course that deals on the chemical processes within and related to living organisms (human, animals and plants). Degree offered is Bachelor in Medical Biochemistry.
8. Medical Laboratory Science (MLS):
This is a professional Basic Medical Science that trains scientists proficient in performing chemical, haematological, immunologic, histopathological, cytopathological, microscopic and bacteriological analyses on blood fluids and other body specimens. Also called Clinical laboratory science. Degree offered is Bachelors in MLS (BScMLS) or a doctor in MLS (DMLS)
9. Medical Physiology:
An important Basic Medical Science course that trains on the normal function of the human body: from organelles to the whole body. It is fondly referred to as Human Physiology to differentiate it from that of other animals and of plants. Degree awarded is a Bachelor in Physiology.
10. Medical Rehabilitation:
This is an aspect of medical science that aims are training paraprofessional or professional personnel who work with a rehabilitation teams to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life in people with physical impairment. Also known as Physiatry. Degree earned is a Bachelor in Physiatry (Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation)
11. Medicine and Surgery: most popular in the list of medical courses in Nigerian Universities
This is a major professional medical discipline that trains medical doctors proficient in assessing patients, diagnosing and treating various medical illnesses as well as to head the medical team.
The bulk courses (apart from routine sciences and general studies courses) cleared to earn the degree are Anatomy, Physiology, Medical Biochemistry, Pathology (Chemical pathology, Haematology, Medical Microbiology, Morbid Anatomy/Core pathology), Pharmacology, Paediatrics (Child Health), Psychiatry (Mental Health), Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Community Medicine (Public Health), Medicine and Surgery. Degree earned is Bachelors in Medicine and Surgery (MBBS, MBBCh).
12. Microbiology:
A health discipline that studies the microorganism as per their effect to other living things and to the environment. Although core microbiology would pass as a life science – and not necessarily a medical science – a microbiologist is definitely important (and can be called upon by the medical team to partner with Medical Microbiologists) in overall health care delivery. Degree awarded is Bachelor in Microbiology.
13. Nursing (Nursing Science):
This is a core Professional Basic Medical Science discipline that trains personnel proficient in provision of services essential to the maintenance and restoration of health by attending to the needs of the sick, injured and suffering. They are the closest associates to the clinicians (Medical and Dental Doctors) and are indeed the First Assistants in the medical team. Degree awarded is Bachelor in Nursing Science. Graduates at some points are expected to pass other minimum professional (council) exams to earn annexed degrees like Registered Nurse (RN) and Registered Midwife (RM) before specializing.
14. Nutrition and Dietetics:
This is a course that deals on food and nutrition, and how these affect human health. It is very important as a medical-related course as it trains personnel who would be resourceful in planning the diets for patients with special dietary needs like diabetics, the malnourished etc. Degree awarded is Bachelors in Nutrition and Dietetics.
15. Optometry:
This is a healthcare course that trains personnel (basic eye care specialists) involved in examining the eyes (and applicable visual apparatus) for defects as well as the correction of refractive errors with lenses, and non-surgical treatment of eye diseases. Degree awarded is Doctor of Optometry.
16. Pharmacology (and Therapeutics):
This is a branch of pharmaceutical sciences which is the study of drugs: how drugs affect biological systems and vice versa. It also deals on how these interactions can be utilized in attending to various diseases in the body. Degree awarded is Bachelor in Pharmacology (and Therapeutics)
17. Pharmacy:
This is a core pharmaceutical science that deals with the science and technique of drug preparation, dispensing and review, as well as other clinical services. It is a health profession that links medical sciences with pharmaceutical sciences with the aim of
ensuring the safe, effective and affordable use of drugs. Degree awarded is Bachelors of Pharmacy or Doctor of Pharmacy.
18. Physiotherapy:
This is a vital health science that trains personnel who how to manage musculoskeletal, endocrinological, cardiopulmonary, neurological and other physical disabilities via various evidence-based techniques like kinesiology, electrotherapy, prescribed exercise, joint mobilization etc.
Also known as Physical therapist. Degree awarded is Bachelor of Physiotherapy.
19. Prosthesis and Orthopaedic Technology:
This is an allied health science that trains paraprofessionals skilled in the evaluation of the disabled as well as production of artificial limbs and orthopaedics (bone-related) braces. Degree awarded is Bachelor in Prosthesis and Orthopaedic Technology.
20. Public Health Technology:
This is an allied health science that trains persons who work with public health teams under the supervision of Public Health Physicians in preventing diseases, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts of the society. Degree awarded is Bachelor in Public Health Technology.
21. Radiography:
This is an allied health science that trains personnel who can perform basic imaging techniques as well as perform other radiological investigations for diagnostic or therapeutic reasons. They are expected to work under the supervision Consultant Radiologists who are doctors with specialization in radiology. The degree awarded is Bachelor in Radiology.
22. Science Laboratory Technology (SLT):
This is an allied health science that training science laboratory technicians who would be involved in variety of laboratory-based investigations within biological, chemical, life and physical sciences. They can thus come handy even to medical sciences. Degree awarded is Bachelor in Science Laboratory Technology.
Whichever the medical course (or allied health course) in question, it would definitely find a significant use in the efficacy of health care delivery in Nigeria. So, when anyone wants to dive into any of the above, be sure not only to know how to prepare to achieve it, but also to understand the job description upon graduation.
This article on the list of medical courses in Nigerian universities was written by:
Okpalaugo Cephas (MBBS, Benin)