Steps on How to Process Your 2022/2023 MDCN Annual Licence Renewal, How to pay for MDCN annual license, MDCN annual practising licence, Remita MDCN, MDCN full registration.
MDCN Annual Licence Renewal
The following steps will be useful in your renewal:
👉 Go to
👉 Click pay FGN and State TSA (Treasury Single Account)
👉 Click Federal Government of Nigeria.
👉 Start to fill the form
*Name of MDA* = Type Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria and click it with the code in the dialogue box.
*Name of Service /Purpose* = PRACTICING FEE
*Description* = 2024 practicing licence fee
*Amount To pay* = #10,00 for doctors and dentists;10years of practice or #20,000 for 10 years and above. 20k for late payment
*GIFMIS code* = 12020414 (practicing fee code)
Input your details— Full name, Email and Phone number
Next is to key in the displayed code.
*Then proceed To Payment*
Your RRR number will be generated and you can progress to pay with your card if you desire.
You can as well print the invoice from the site or from your email and go to bank to pay.
After successful payment, you generate receipt and print or get it from your filled email.
Finally, complete the information for your profile on the MDCN page for the year’s licence renewal e.g. 2024 and certificate.
*_NMA building levy restriction on the MDCN page has been removed.
👉 Go to MDCN website @
*login to your profile page
*click on new application
*click on pay for annual license.
*a prompt ‘add payment via RRR’ click on it.
*input your RRR number
*wait for confirmation of payment.
#This second means of payment will not be successful for those not registered on the MDCN website or not completed their profile on the website.
Make use of good internet service and exercise patience when accessing the website preferably, at night. Don’t wait till 31st December!
NB: Please remember that payment after 31st of December will attract a 100% increase and just paying the money without completing the process is not a guarantee that you have renewed your practicing licence.

******Update ******
Every practitioner is expected to pay their Practising Fees for the next year 2024 on or before 31st December 2023.
This payment is free on remita platform. There is no Building Levy requirement on remita platform. Please generate remita for the amount due (ie 20k for those up to 10 year standing, and 10k for those below 10 years standing) and pay at once at any Bank.
It is only those that go to the MDCN portal to pay that see the Building Levy requirement. The case of Building Levy is still in the Federal High Court of Nigeria and the issue of validation and insurance have now been added to the battle. Plaintiff is now asking the Court to declare that portal validation of Practicing Fees is illegal. The use of MDCN portal for Cornerstone Insurance Policy sales to doctors is now included in the modified suit.
All the medical doctors are hereby encouraged to generate remita at no cost and pay their Practising Fees in any bank on or before 31st December 2021. The issue of going to MDCN portal to upload the RRR number (called validation) shall be sorted out after the judgment of the Federal High Court.
Documents you will need to upload while renewing your MDCN licence.
1. Passport photograph (any background)
2. Birth certificate (affidavit of age declaration from a competent court is fully accepted). Instead of affidavit, you can go and register your birth at the National Population Commission (go with your affidavit)
3. Your MBBS undergraduate certificate – certificate you were given from the University you graduated from.
The process is now more seamless
i have paid NMA building levy which was approved and added to my list of payment on MDCN portal. i also paid 2020 annual license fee via remita but was constantly directed to pay the NMA building level anytime i attempted to add my RRR annual license to my profile on MDCN portal. this is a complaint!
i have uploaded my cdp 20 points and i have paid for the 2020 annual practicing license via remita on 2nd December, 2019 but anytime i try to add my RRR receipt number for the annual license, i was directed to pay for NMA building levy.
Try doing it in a cyber cafe. Let someone help you.
I tried all I was directed to do in cyber cafe, but yet d page is still directing me to NMA building level each time I attempted to enter the RRR number. Please something should be done to rectify the problem.
Have you paid the building levy? If not, please try and pay, if yes, please call send an email and call them
I paid for the renewal of my 2020 practising licence at a cyber through remita but my name was wrongly entered, as Okoro Jeremiah Okoro. Please kindly correct it for me. Thanks.
Sorry for that I cannot do that for you. Send a message to MDCN please
I tried to pay for my full registration and permanent licence via ATM online yesterday. I have been debited but I wasn’t sent receipt and also not reflecting on my payment page that I have successful paid. What is the way out. Thanks
Sorry about that. Please send them a mail.
I thought the blog was about not paying NMA building levy as th case is still in court. why ask him to pay again before he or she proceeds
MDCN has somewhat made it compulsory before you can go to the next step.. Court judgement may also take years… Thank you
Thank you Udomoh!
Please for someone whose license expired 31st December 2018, and still within 10 years of practice, kindly let me know how much he is to pay for up-to-date renewal and what are the steps to be followed online for such renewal?
I would really appreciate urgent reply to my concern above.
You will pay #60,000 if your last renewal was 2018.
You will pay 2018, 2019, 2020.
The steps are already explained in the article. It is the same steps you will follow.
Thank you
Thanks once again Udomoh. You’ve been very helpful.
I was wondering if it’s necessary to still pay that of 2018 considering the fact that the license actually expired on the 31st of December 2018 being the very last day of that year?
OK. I see. Start from 2019.
Dr Udomoh thanks once again but I still have a little challenge.
In the steps above, that place you said you we should go to the mdcn website and complete our profile. When I did I was completely lost as couldn’t even find a place like that in the website. Please how do I go about it? Is there any other mdcn website apart from that one?
Lastly, while paying the license fee I mistakenly typed ‘License fee’ instead of ‘Practising license fee’ for each of the years I was paying for. I hope it’s not a big deal.
Thanks once again for your anticipated help.
I think you should go to a cyber cafe in a teaching hospital or federal medical centre to do it. The cafe guys there can help you through it
Good day dr Udomoh,
Thank you for the clarification so far, I just wanted to run some questions through you.
1. My practicing license expired Dec 31, 2015, as I am less than 10 years in practice, I’m I to pay 10,000 per year? making it 50,000 naira.
2. When making this payment through remita, I’m I to put 50,000 instead of 10,000?
3. As I am currently not in Nigeria, I registered on the MDCN website and was told to allow 24 hours for activation, which was 5 days ago and yet still not activated. I have tried contacting the MDCN office multiple times through the numbers available online to no avail. Please can you advise on the best step to take to solve this and renew my license?
Thank you so much
Please wait for the MDCN call lines to go through… Sincerely only them will advise you better… Keep on calling them… The COVID19 lockdown in Abuja is affecting them.. No work.
How do you acquire the CDP points pleaseeee??
What is CDP? Be clearer please.
Good day Dr
Pls im over 10yrs in practice and I renewed my license last 2016 I have not paid for 2017,2018 2019 and 2020
Pls how much I’m I paying to renew it now and how do I go about it
Good day Dr
Pls im over 10yrs in practice and I renewed my license last 2016 I have not paid for 2017,2018 2019 and 2020
Pls how much I’m I paying to renew it now and how do I go about it
20,000 each per year since you didnt pay as at when due…please send mail to MDCN.
I thought you said there was a 100% surcharge for late payments? So why are you giving figures without the surcharge for inquiries about late payments?
1. Thank you Dr udomoh. I paid for the NMA building levy in 2019 and my status is still showing pending pls how do I rectify this.
2. Am I supposed to pay for my annual licence now cos my licence will expires December 2020.
3. Is payment for full registration different from payment for annual licence cos I just finished internship and was a little confused.
1. Thank you Dr udomoh. I paid for the NMA building levy in 2019 and my status is still showing pending pls how do I rectify this.
2. Am I supposed to pay for my annual licence now cos my licence will expires December 2020.
3. Is payment for full registration different from payment for annual licence cos I just finished internship and was a little confused.
Thank you.
1. Send MDCN a mail or call them about your concerns.
2. After house job, you are expected to pay for full registration only. Please call MDCN to get clarification. Thank you.
What’s the procedure for registration of additional qualification.
Hello Dr please I made a late payment for 2020 practicing fee via Remita
I want to pay for the surcharge but the gifmis code is not available
Is it same with the practicing fee code
Thank you
Not really…. You know you can send a mail to MDCN to notify them of your difficulty…. or do it at a cybercafe in any of the teaching hospitals, they are more knowledge about these things. Thank you
I have paid for building level and licence fees through remita but I could not add my RRR for years 2018 till date. What pop up in the website is RRR have been used.
I will advise you to go and do it in a cyber cafe and ask them to help you with the process or better still, call MDCN’s office.
Please I need clarification on the reference point for commencement of practice used for payment of licence. Is it counted from year of graduation, house job, NYSC or post NYSC? For someone who graduated in 2012, when is his 10th year of practice?
After house job. Depends on when you finish housejob.. Start counting from there.
Please I need clarification on the reference point for commencement of practice used for payment of licence. Is it counted from year of graduation, house job, NYSC or post NYSC? For someone who graduated in 2012, when it his 10th year of practice?
After house job. Depends on when you finish housejob.. Start counting from there.
And yet on MDCN website, they reffered to me as old doctor (>10years of practice) and asked me to pay 40k for the NMA building levy when actually I finished my house job in September 2012.
call them
Thanks doc, please I have some questions for you.
If someone’s practicing licence expires on 31st December 2017 and I graduated from medical school December 2010.i want to assume that am still within 10yrs of practice. Am I to pay N10, 000 each for 2018,2019 and 2020 respectively.?
Please call them
Hello Dr,
I finished my house job 2013 and i guessed i am suppose to pay 10,000 for 2020 which i had already done but while trying to upload my RRR on the MDCN portal, it is saying that the amount i paid is lesser and it is asking me to pay 20000… what can i do as this is preventing me from paying for 2021. Thanks
Maybe you are paying late. You may have to pay the 20k
Good evening, I graduated 2010 and finished housemanship early 2012. How much will i pay for my licence renewal for 2021?
Have you been renewing your licence since 2012? If no, then you will have to pay close to 200k.
Good Evening Doc, please have paid for the NMA Building levy last year together with my annual practicing fee for 2020. I later paid practicing fee for year 2021 but I was also directed on the MDCN portal to pay for NMA building levy which I already paid for. I thought the building levy is a one-off payment. Please advice on what to do. Thanks.
Chief , truly, the building levy is a one off thing…many other doctors have been complaining that the website is requesting for another payment of building levy before you will be issued your annual practicing licence. This problem started in 2021. Please reach out to MDCN..Call them or send them a mail.
Good evening
Please how do i retrieve my cornerstone indemnity clergy certificate. Because I didn’t see it to download after I paid for it. Awaiting your urgent response
Thank you
Please reach out to MDCN…Call them on a working day. They will help.
I have been trying to get RRR from the mdcn website since December 2023 but lost assess to my formal email ([email protected])which I had corrected or replaced with another one ([email protected]) via the mdcn office. What next as my bio-data still display former email
Call them