Nkwobi Vs Isi Ewu: Difference between Nkwobi and Isi Ewu
People especially non-igbos or non-easterners usually mistake #nkwobi for #isi ewu and vice versa. Some use the words nkwobi and isi ewu interchangeably but the the truth of the matter is that isi ewu is different from #nkwobi.Yes, both nkwobi and isi ewu may have similar recipes or ingredients or spices for preparing them but there are salient differences between them.
Nkwobi is made with cow leg in spicy palm oil sauce while isi ewu is prepared with goat head in a spicy sauce. This is the basic difference between #nkwobi and #isi ewu.
In terms of ingredients used: The difference between Isi ewu and #Nkwobi is that, #Isi-ewu is prepared with goat head and ugba is not mandatory, while #nkwobi is prepared with cow foot and ugba must be present.
▪1 kg of cow foot
▪15cl (150ml) palm oil
▪8 utazi leaves
▪1 cup of Ugba
▪4 seasoning cubes
▪4 ehuru seeds (calabash nutmeg)
▪Potash (Akanwu/kaun/keun)
▪Fresh pepper (to taste)
▪2 medium onions
▪Salt (to taste)
▪2 tablespoons ground Crayfish
▪Beef meat mixed spices (to taste)
▪Potash or ngu or baking soda
▪Fresh or dry peppers
▪Sliced utazi leaves
▪Sliced ring onions
▪Sliced peppers (optional)
You will need:
✳️ 1 Goat Head
✳️ 15 cl (150ml) Red Palm Oil
✳️ 2 teaspoons ground Ehu seeds (Calabash Nutmeg)
✳️ 1 tablespoon powdered edible potash (Akanwu)
✳️ 2 big beef flavored stock cubes
✳️ 2 medium onions (1 to cook,1 to garnish)
✳️ About 10 Utazi leaves
✳️ 2 habanero peppers
✳️ Salt (to taste)
You can now see that Ugba is an essential ingredient in #Nkwobi but optional in #isi-ewu. Also you can see that both nkwobi and isi ewu use potash (kaun), utazi and uziza as key recipes.
Because of the presence of potash in isi ewu and #nkwobi, both delicacies are not good for pregnant women as potash (akanwu) cause cause miscarriage and pregnancy loss.
Both isi ewu and #nkwobi are usually served on a wooden mortar alongside chilled beer or palm wine.
Is there any salient differences younknkw about these two eastern delicacies? Please leave a comment about this. Thank you.
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