Burukutu: Origin, Names, Types, Recipes, Microbiology, Health Benefits, Disadvantages, Side Effects and Flow chart of Burukutu production.

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What is burukutu or brukutu?

YES. Another name for BURUKUTU is “EJE OKPOTO” in Idoma language. Many of you may not know this. That may explain the reason why Idoma people looked at the name Okpoto (Akpoto) as a derogatory name in our early history. It may means to be called Okpoto means you are a drunkard as Okpoto is a popular locally made fermented drink made from guinea corn and millet. So our people rejected the name.

Burukutu: Origin, Names, Types, Recipes, Health Benefits, Disadvantages, Side Effects
Boys drinking and enjoying burukutu

Other names of burukutu

Burukutu is called:

“tchoukoutou” in Benin and Togo,

“ikigage” in Rwanda,

“dolo” in Burkina Faso.

It is also called “Amgba” in Cameroon,

“kaffir” in South Africa and

“pito” and “burukutu” or “brukutu” in Nigeria and Ghana. Brukutu as a name of is derived from the Hausa people. It is African’s local beer or wine.

Idoma people called brukutu: eje okpoto

THE MAKING OF BURUKUTU (EJE OKPOTO) – and its microbiology

Burukutu or Okpoto beer is a popular alcoholic beverage, brewed from the grains of Guinea corn (Sorghum bicolor), millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and maize (Zea Mays).

Flow chart of Burukutu production

Burukutu production involves five basic stages, which includes: malting, ➡️ steeping,➡️ mashing, ➡️fermentation ➡️ and maturation.

The production begins by malting, which involves the conversion of the Guinea corn or millet grains into malt and this takes place on a malting floor.


This process is followed by steeping, which involves the soaking of the grains in water for at least three days to allow the grain to absorb moisture and to begins to sprout.


When the grain has absorbed enough moisture, it is transferred to the malting floor, where it is constantly turned over for around five days while it is air-dried.


This procedure is followed by mashing in which the milled grain known as the “grain bill” (malted grain) is mixed with water known as “liquor” and heating the mixture.This process allows the enzymes in the grain bill to decompose the starch in the grain into sugars (maltose) to form a wort.


Finally, the product is allowed to ferment and mature using the sugar fungi form of yeast and allow maturation for 2 days or 48 hours. Brukutu is ready!


1. Pito
2. Ujonwu (fermented malt, black in color)
3. Burukutu itself.
4. Anchila (the filtered chaff)
5. Burukutu stout


➡️Lowers blood sugar.

➡️It gives clear night vision.

➡️Brukutu can act as a diuretic

➡️Contain proteins and have nutritional benefits

➡️Contain essential vitamins beta carotene, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and retinol. Retinol is very good for the eyes and skin.

➡️Believed to help lower blood pressure and therefore good for hypertensives.

➡️Some persons especially Nigerians use brukutu as aphrodisiac (manpower)

➡️brukutu is one of the fermented African drink that is a probiotic, promote gut health and prevents all forms of diarrhoea.

# #Burukutu is a social drink served in social gathering in northern Nigeria

Side effects and Disadvantages of burukutu

➡️Brukutu is very low in fibre and not a very good meal… It is low in nutrients

➡️Brukutu drink contains high level of potassium and taking excess of it can cause excess blood potassium (hyperkalaemia) with its attendant kidney injury and heart problems.

➡️Taking excess brukutu can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

➡️Just like palmwine, brukutu drink is an alcoholic beverage and alcoholic drinks have some side effects like stomach ulcer, kidney failure, liver damage , cancers, malnutrition, addiction, dependency etc.

# burukutu is alcoholic, it can get you drunk and disinhibited when taken too much.

Prospects and economic importance of burukutu

Brukutu or put has the potential of becoming the vodka of Nigerians just like Russia has their own type of vodka. Brukutu drink requires further research on its nutritional content, automated production, health benefits, its microbiology, nutritional value, storage, handling and commercialization.

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