Postinor 2 and postpill which is more effective?
A lady wants to know the better between postinor 2 and Postpill.
From my mail box;
Good day doctor and thank you for all you for Doctor , I am 26 years old and I am sexually active though not ready to have a baby yet. Yesterday I had unprotected sex and I am confused which of the emergency contraceptive pills best for me – postinor 2 or postpill? I have a friend that uses postinor 2 but recently switched to postpill pill because she said she experienced lesser side effects with postpill and more effective ….while there is this other female friend of mine that is a die hard fan of postinor which she claims is more effective than postpill ….I also read an article where it was suggested that ladies who take postpill experience notice more episodes of light vaginal bleeding compared to postinor. A pharmacist also told me that postinor is more effective in preventing pregnancy than postpill.
Now, I am truly confused, which do I follow? Between postinor 2 and Postpill, which more effective and which has less side effects?
I am expecting your prompt response. Thank you.

My reply;
Thank you for reaching out. Please be informed that there is no difference whatsoever in the effectiveness and efficacy of postinor and postpill. They both contain the same active ingredient levonorgestrel, a substance that inhibits ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus to prevent entry of the spermatozoa to the released female eggs. Postinor and postpill however, have different manufacturers, while postpill is a product of Lydia DKT, Gedeon Richter is the maker of postinor2. They are taken the same way, and in the same doses….the side effects of these two emergency contraceptive pills are similar. Some side effects are however idiosyncratic to the person using it.
I hope I have been able to answer your questions.