Ivf centres in Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria. This article contains the list of the various fertility clinics in Port Harcourt with their names, promos, discounts, addresses, phone numbers, emails, web addresses, and the cost of IVF in Port Harcourt.
I took my time to analyse the individual ivf clinics in Port Harcourt with emphasis and comments on their cost of ivf treatment, success rates, services rendered and clients feedback or testimonies. The analysis will guide you in making the right and a wise decision in choosing the best of the ivf clinics in Port Harcourt suited for you. Check them out below:
1.University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, one of the foremost ivf centres in Port Harcourt
Location: East-west Road, PMB 6173, Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria
Phone: 08150978655
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://upth.org
Strengths of the university of port harcourt ivf clinic:
a) It is government owned, so they offer low cost or cheap ivf treatment compared to other ivf centres in Port Harcourt.
b) Many couples can afford and access it compared to other ivf centres in Port Harcourt.
c) Recommended for old and childless couples in Port Harcourt. The ivf unit in UPTH, did a successful ivf treatment for a 53 year old civil servant in 2013.
Update: UPTH has successfully carried out a second IVF procedure on a 34 year old woman who has been looking for a child for 10 years. It is documented that she paid 800,000 naira for the procedure.
a) The cheap ivf treatment UPTH fertility clinic offers makes the place crowded leading to poor doctor-patient relationship compared to other ivf centres in Port Harcourt.
b) Few ivf success stories or testimonies.
c) Poorly funded and not consistent. It was closed down at some point but recently reopened in 2015.
d) UPTH is not consistent with its IVF programs compared to other private IVF centres.
2.Gynescope Specialist Hospital.
Location: Gynescope Street, Off Air force Eliozu Expressway, Rukpakulusi Layout, Port Harcourt Rivers, Nigeria.
Phone: 08166593030, 08122698120
Website: gynescope.com.ng
Chief Medical Director: Dr Jude Okohue (08037275377)
a) they offer services like: in vitro fertilization(ivf), intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI), general gynaecology and obstetrics, minimally invasive surgeries, and neonatal health.
b) gynescope hospital preaches empathy and affordability for couples.
b) they have standard facilities and well trained staff.
c) they have delivered about 1,340 ivf babies and claim to have satisfied the needs of 5,490 patients.
d) You can call their CMD directly for enquiries.
a) The actual cost of ivf in gynescope specialist hospital is not published.
b) their percentage success rate is not stipulated.
c) No testimonies of successful ivf treatment by clients of gynescope hospital.
3.Care Women’s Clinic
3, Blue Pearl Close, Palm Royal Estate, off Peter Odili Close, Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria
Phone: +234903000632, +2347032621876
Email: [email protected], or [email protected]
a) Women’s care offer the following services: IVF, ICSI, intrauterine insemination (IUI), follicle tracking, embryo freezing, surrogacy, endoscopy, and pap smear (cervical cancer screening)
b) Evidence-based success stories/testimonies from numerous couples.
c) Embryo freezing in Care Women’s clinic makes provision for “back up” for the ivf procedure in case an ivf cycle fails during treatment. Meaning the procedure can be continued from where it stopped in couples instead of starting the whole cycle from the scratch again.
d) Provide third party infertility treatment (surrogacy). Few ivf centres in Port Harcourt provide this service.
a) Care women fertility centre do not publish the cost for their services e.g the cost of ivf.
b) The centre keep clients in the dark concerning their ivf success rates.
4.Nisa Prime Fertility Centre
10, Chief Nyewenwo Avenue, Eliada Estate, Rumuogba, Port Harcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria
Phone: 08036777789, 08095211918, 08022237553
Email: [email protected]
Website: nisaprimefertility.org
Chief Medical Director: Dr. Ibrahim Wada
a) Established in 1998 in abuja, the first and oldest privately owned ivf centre in Nigeria.
b) Of all the ivf centres in Port Harcourt, Nisa Prime is the most popular.
c) reputed to have successfully produced the 2nd ivf baby in Nigeria and the first in Northern Nigeria in 1998. Baby’s name is Hannatu Kpochi. She is 22 years old now.
d) Nisa prime has a wealth of experience in ivf treatment.
e) Success rates of ivf at Nisa prime are well publicised
f) Well publicised testimonies from couples.
g) they give a weekly talk show on infertility every Friday @ 11am (they have a radio station @ 93.2Fm, Naija info).
h) Nisa prime fertility is one of the few ivf centres in port Harcourt that offer low cost ivf treatment through their annual ivf promos/price slashing/ discounts and bonanzas. Very affordable for couples
i) they give individualised patient care.
j) just like other ivf centres in port harcourt, they services provided by Nisa prime are: intrauterine insemination, ivf, icsi, sperm/embryo freezing, hysteroscopy, sperm/embryo freezing, and timed intercourse.
k) provide accommodation for couples living outside Port Harcourt.
The most important question asked by couples, which is the cost of ivf @ Nisa prime?…… remain unanswered as the pricelist is not published on their website.
5.The Bridge Clinic
41A, Evo Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Phone: 08144908432, 08104607743
Email: [email protected]
a) Established in 1999, they have a wealth of experience with branches in Lagos and Abuja.
b) Well trained staff.
c) Of all the ivf centres in Port Harcourt, only the bridge give a candid opinion of their ivf success rate pegged at 49%.
d) They run a transparent ivf centre as their success rate is audited yearly by Alexander Forbes
e) They provide the following services: IUI, IVF, ultrasound services, follicular tracking, embryo freezing, and sex sorting
f) The cost of their services are clearly stated and published.
g) the bridge clinic of ivf promos/ discounts for couples.
h) Far more than other ivf centres in Port Harcourt, the bridge clinic have successfully “produced” 2284 babies since 1999.
i) Wonderful testimonies and comes highly recommended by clients.
j) Bridge clinic celebrated their 3000th live birth from IVF recently.
The open policy run by the bridge clinic impresses me and has made me biased. Pardon me, common challenges of couples like the cost, success rates and testimonies from clients have been clearly explained at the Bridge. Most ivf centres in Port Harcourt and in Nigeria do not disclose this information.
6.SaveAlife Missions
38, Uyo Street, Off Stadium Road, Rivers, Nigeria.
Phone: +2348100000651, +2348100000851
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.savealifehospital.com
Medical Director: Dr Richard Okoye
a) Just like other fertility clinics in Port Harcourt, Savealife do offer: ICSI, IUI, follicular tracking, sperm freezing, embryo freezing, surrogacy, painless labour, diagnostic medicine, sex selection, and neonatal services.
b) Well trained workforce.
c) Standard medical practices.
Like most ivf clinics in Port Harcourt, the cost, success rate and testimonies from couples are not published.
7.Hope valley clinic is one of the ivf centres in Port Harcourt
14, Trans Woji Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria.
Phone: 07039179885, 08033069466
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.thehopevalleyclinic.net
a) offers similar services just other ivf clinics in Port Harcourt including sex selection, sperm banking and donor programs at an affordable price.
b) Have branches in Lagos, Abuja, and Kaduna.
c) Offer free ivf counselling services. This is unlike many ivf centres in Port Harcourt.
d) They are a stickler for medical ethics.
e) hopevalley have successfully delivered 1000 ivf babies
The centre did not publish their cost of ivf, or testimonies of successful couples.
8. Comet Wellness
25, Mbonu Street, Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria.
Phone: +2348033402547
The comet wellness is NOT one of the list of fertility clinics in Port Harcourt but a fertility test lab that offers other forms of services.
9.Noble Medical Consultants and fertility hospital…Noble fertility hospital Port Harcourt
1, Bloombreed School Road, Mgbuoba, Opp. NTA gate, Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria.
Phone:+2348035010031, +2348028062223
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.noblefertilityhospital.com
Comments: Still quite new in the ivf business in Port Harcourt, they had their first ivf baby in 2016. In 2017, Noble Fertility Centre had a set of twins. No comments on weaknesses yet, I will allow them to grow first.
Port-Harcourt Centre. 14, Trans-Woji Road, By Slaughter, Woji Port-Harcourt.
Strengths: Affordable, hope valley fertility clinic offers services like IVF, IUI and surrogacy with good success rates.

***There are now Green Care Fertility Center and Nectar Medical and Fertility Clinic in Port Harcourt
Nice one!, honourable rep.
Thank you Adangor, I know you will like this article about your beloveth city and hometown. Port harcourt rocks!Pls do share with others.
Pls Dr, can you write on on the fertility clinics in Abuja? I like you candid analysis of the various ivf centres. I and my wife want to try out ivf in Abuja where we are based. Thank you.
OK Ameh, I am working on the analysis of fertility clinics in Abuja. It will take me a couple of days to publish
Nobel hospital has many weaknesses, they don’t do proper test before the procedure, they tell you 600k but at the end if the day you spend over 700k, his success rate is very poor as he group women in batches and can attend to over 25 women in a batch, very unprofessional. He doesn’t tell you the eggs retrieved, I really don’t know why
I have taken my little time to study some centres including noble medical consultants and fertility hospital. Amara I don’t think you have the right information about the noble because so many women are smiling home with positive results.
We really need to be objective in our analysis and comments other than coming to tarnish someone’s image and reputation
I have had my own experiences with ivf centres in port Harcourt and contrary to Amara’s comment, i rate Noble and Gynascope amongest the best, they are result oriented. Follow up on patients is amaizing and their success rate is quite impressive
please which of these clinic accepts AS donors
Try Bridge Clinic out
They don’t
Well, You gave us a clear information and tips also. I am very satisfied with your site and also I like your instructions. they amazing and very help us. Thanks for sharing the best posts they very useful to us.
Please is there any fertility clinic in Port Harcourt, that does pregenetic testing for gender selection?. Please I need a response.
yes@ Estee. You can check any of the centres.
yes there are. just pls read through the article again.
Please i will like to know the success rate of Care women Fertility clinic?
The IVF success rate at Care Women’s Clinic is is published. Tough they published their successful IVF testimonies.
Success rate means for every 10 women that had ICSI/IUI/IVF how many of them got pregnant and delivered successfully.
Some experts use every 100 women.
Read an experts candid advice on IVF success rate and choice of IVF clinics below
IVF success rate: the truth, the lies.
I love your review on these fertility centers but do you know if any of the offer surrogacy services
Gynescope is good, and Dr Jude (GMD) is good at his job and very caring, but the staffs are not too professional, the clinic is ok and at a very good location. we had two attempt there with no success story. the clinic should brace up their after service follow up for those that are not successful and encourage them.
The Bridge is a good clinic, professional doctors and staffs, they will call you regularly to know how you are fairing and their after service follow up is still very good compare to Gynescope. They will call and continue to encourage you when you had an unsuccessful story.
Everybody including those in Lagos have good words for Bridge Clinic.
Please how much is UPTH cost for IVF
1.5million now for IVF in UPTH.
Pls which hospital pays the highest for egg donation and blood like 350 and above, udomoh eshemokha pls answer. Then blood like 7000 and above.
I cannot really say
pls how much does bridge clinic charge for their ivf
Close to 2 million Naira more.
Do you people buy egg?
Please who knows of the cost of Sex selection using IVF in port Harcourt
Green care medical consultants is one of the best center for fertility cases, with high success rate. Two people I know very well came back smiling with twin gestation. Please i recommend any one with fertility challenge to visit there. And is affordable.
Please where exactly is this hospital located?
I really want to be a surrogate mother to any Lovely Couple
My Location is PH
My number is 0706 2474 105
What of Select Ivf still in port Harcourt, no information?
Will check