Senna leaves benefits for fertility.
This leave is called CASSIA ALATA.. Yoruba called it ASUNRUN OYIBO
Igbo called it OGALU
I have already talked about the numerous health benefits of Senna leaf in a totally separate article. In this page, we will be looking at its Fertility benefits.
Senna leaves benefits for fertility
How does Senna leaves benefits women?
➡️ Cassia Alata helps clear blocked fallopian tubes
➡️ Boosts Ovulation especially multiple ovulation
➡️ Regularize Menstruation
➡️ Cure Black and Smelly menstruation
➡️ Increases a woman’s Fertility Chances
➡️ It also shrinks fibroids and cures ovarian cyst.

Those Trying to Conceive (TTC) should use it on their ovulation and fertile days, also use preferably while menstruating and on the other days.
Do you know if you get enough Senna leaves flower, sun dry it, add potash to it and blend to powder..add a spoon of the powder with pap or water will give you good erection, boost sperm count and cure impotence? Try it.
For Fertility benefits as regards Senna leaves, GET👇🏿
1️⃣ Bitter melon (Bara)
2️⃣ Fresh Cassia alata leaf (Ewe Asunwon)
3️⃣ Medicinal Potash (Kanhun bilala)
4️⃣ Fermented Corn Water (Pap water/Omidun)
You can get all this from local herbal sellers around you and in the markets.
Wash and cut the Bara into pieces, remove the seed
Ensure that the inside of the Bara is very bitter, else it won’t work.
Get your fermented corn water (you can just buy from local pap sellers around you)
Put in a pot, add the pieces of Bara, Cassia alata Leaf and put to boil for 15-30 minutes.
Add a little medicinal Potash to it while boiling depending on the severity of your case.
Allow to cool.
Add honey to taste
You can leave the preparation in the pot to be warmed every time you want to drink it or you can put in a container and refrigerate…Your choice…
Better to refrigerate to keep it fresh I advise you
Half or a glass once every after two to three days depending on how strong your system is. This is because Bara purges the system as a way of getting rid of all the unwanted things in the body system. Give a space of few days while taking it depending on your first reaction to it.
Take for at most four weeks or less, do not exceed four weeks
❌Cassia Alata is not suitable for pregnant women because it can cause miscarriage (It is a very strong herb)
❌Not suitable for Nursing Mothers (because the baby can suck it from your breast and start to stool – develop diarrhoea)
❌Not suitable for Children (because their liver and kidneys are not yet to developed enough to excrete it.
The common side effects of this cassia Alata is diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and possible allergies.