Shocking: Uyi Iluobe, Medical Doctor On Duty Killed in a private hospital in Oghara-eki in Oghara, Delta state by Patient’s Relatives!
At first many thought it was a made up but right now, the NIGERIAN HEALTH BLOG can confirm that Dr Uyi Iluobe, a medical doctor from Edo State working at a private hospital in Oghara, Delta State was allegedly killed (murdered) right in the emergency room of the hospital by the relatives of the patient he was attending to, on the 31st, December, 2022 while he was in the line of duty.

The assailants who happened to be the relatives of he a patient accused the doctor of not doing enough to save the life of their brother who sustained severe gunshot injuries. In a fit of anger while mourning their dead relative, they pounced on the doctors and nurses on duty and unfortunately they allegedly killed Dr Uyi Iluobe before escaping from the scene of the incidence leaving the corpse of their late brother behind.
The NMA today reacted to the gruesome murder of one of their colleage, called on the government and Inspector General of Police to fish out the perpetrators and bring them to justice….
NMA press release yesterday:
Violent attack on doctors and other health workers has a global dimension and can best be called a pandemic…The violence takes the form of verbal abuse or outright aggressive gestures. The worst thing is these abuses hardly make the news so they are largely undocumented. The violence comes from the the patients themselves or from their relatives.
From the United States to Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, India ….the story is the same.
According to the World Health Organization, there was nearly 1000 attacks on health care workers and facilities in 2020 alone.
In the United States alone, injuries caused by violent attacks against medical professionals grew by 67% from 2011 to 2018.
A Surgeon was shot to death in the operating room in the USA by a patient who was not satisfied with the outcome of his back surgery.
Recently in China, a dentist was killed by his own patient 20 years after he treated him and the patient still bore grudges about the modality of treatment which he wholly consented to.
In Nigeria, the story is not different, doctors and nurses are at the receiving end of angry patient relatives and patients who come to the hospital with unrealistic expectations of cure.
About 2 years ago, a female doctor in Abuja was stripped naked by patient’s relatives who claimed they were grieving the death of their loved one…it even sparked protest by the medical community.
No healthworker, however conscientious or careful, can tell what day or hour he or she may not be the object of some undeserved attacked, malicious accusation, blackmail or suit for damages.
Enabling laws need to be enacted to protect the health workers against violence while in their line of duty….
The murder of Dr Uyi Iluobe is one too many….