Cayenne pepper in shampoo for hair growth, How to use cayenne pepper for hair growth…
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Pepper for hair growth?
Yes o!
Cayenne pepper also known as hot pepper, red chili, African chili and our own Shombo makes the hair grow. #Cayenne pepper prevent #hair loss by helping to stimulate the hair follicles for growth of hair. In this article, you will be taught the recipe of #cayenne pepper that promote #hair growth. Read and learn…then try it at home.
It is a natural ingredient thats affordable and readily available in most kitchens either in fresh or grounded powder forms.
It contains capsaicin – a compound that stimultes hair growth by increasing blood flow or circulation the the scalp.
It works by stimulating blood flow to the hair follicles which ensures healthy hair that results in growth, adding thickness and volume to the hair.

It can be added topically as a prepoo treatment (before shampooing your hair).
You can infuse in olive or coconut oil or a combination of both, castor oil, onion, aloe vera or vodka for about 10- 15days in a glass jar.
It can also be taken as a tea in warm water or added to your dishes to give a kick.

Hmmn.. the thought of relaxing more often with a bowl of sizzling hot peppersoup comes to mind. The type that makes your eyes and nose water. Its sha a form of relaxation😉.
Try it and see your crown of glory gain more body and bounce.
Cayenne pepper has been known to increase hair growth,many people claim some pretty remarkable results!
It is often overlooked but these peppers actually have alot of health benefits, including its ability to lower blood pressure.
#Cayenne pepper 🌶️ comes in many forms,oils and supplements. People who use it for hair growth claim results in all forms of use.
Benefits Of Cayenne Pepper For Hair Growth
* Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which is a compound that stimulates hair growth
* The capsaicin stimulates blood circulation to the hair follicles, which ensures better nutrition and healthier hair growth
* It also helps stimulate dormant hair follicles, and this helps increase hair volume and thickness
* Topical use can make hair shiny, soft, and mor e manageable
Disclaimer: whether you use it topically or orally please use with caution and consult your doctor before switching diets and or supplements you heard it here so come back for more healthcare/haircare tips😊🌸
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