benefits of raising guinea fowl…pros and cons of raising Guinea fowl. Advantages of rearing Guinea fowl.
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Guinea fowl are disease-free birds, good security and rich meat source for family. They’re an amazing pest control even rodent and mice.
Their meat is rich in essential amino acid and their eggs is super nice
Guinea fowl is an amazing animal to rear.
Guinea fowl are good watchdog, they sound alarm whenever anything unusual occurs on the farm. They’re an effective tool for protecting your house” The loud noise of the guineas has also been shown to discourage rodents from invading the area.

Flocks of guineas kill and eat mice and small rats. They’re good insects control. Wild guineas eat mainly insects, and domestic guineas can consume large amounts of insects without affecting garden vegetables or flowers.
If you’re thinking of backyard farm guinea fowl is the animal to rear.
They attack snakes too.
Adult guinea hen lay one egg per day.
If you want to keep guineas from wandering you must keep them in covered pens. Guineas are able to fly at a very early age, and they become strong fliers able to fly 400 to 500 ft. at a time.
It takes guineas a while to get settled into a new home. It is best to keep them confined for a week or 2 to let them become accustomed to their new home. If you let them out right away, they could run away.
The guineas should be confined in a pen where they can see the area where they will be living. After an initial couple of weeks, let one guinea out. Guineas hate to be alone so the single guinea won’t go far & will learn its way around the area. After few days, let a second guinea out. If they stay near the pen, it is usually safe to let the rest out.
Always provide water for them. They can be fed commercial poultry diet, Guinea fowls usually start laying in March or April and may continue to lay until October. A hen may lay 100 or more eggs a year. Guinea hens do not always make good mothers. Chicken hens tend to be much better mothers.
A guinea hen will lay an egg a day. If the eggs are removed from the nest, she will likely make a nest somewhere else. If all but 4 eggs (marked for identification) are removed, she may return to the same nest and continue laying. Eggs can be collected daily with no problems
My favorite part of guinea fowl is that their head and legs (added to some condiment) can be used for goodluck charm called “AWORO” in Yoruba.
They’re animal you should considered rearing in your compound.
You’ll enjoy and love them
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