How to use avocado seed to treat high blood pressure
I ran into this post on Facebook and I have decided to debunk this malicious lie about avocado seed curing hypertension….
The italized post below;
Using the seeds of avocado 🥑🥑 pear to cure stroke and for high blood pressure
Very simple :
Get the seeds of avocado 🥑🥑 pear chew not less than 3 pieces a day for two weeks none stop. You are suprised right don’t joke with this.
You can also get as many as 10-15 pieces of the seeds
Cut them into pieces
Dry them very well
Grand or blend into powered form.
Add two tea spoon 🥣🥄 to your hot water and prepare like tea and drink it.
Do this three times a day for two weeks and you will definitely see improvement.
Continue for 3-5 months bring your testimony.
Avocado seed cannot be used to treat elevated blood pressure….There is no research or study to confirm the ability of avocado seed to cure hypertension or stroke. It is all untrue. Avocado seed tea has wonderful health benefits no doubt but treating high blood pressure is not one of them. Avocado seed can not cure stroke also. If you have stroke, please go to the hospital. You will get help there.

If you have Hypertension, eat your avocado but take your blood pressure medications please.
This article is the intellectual property of www.nimedhealth