Can coconut water shrink fibroid? Is coconut water good for fibroid patients? Does coconut water increase estrogen?
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This may shock you… coconut water believed to shrink fibroid masses actually does the opposite: instead, coconut water actually increases fibroid masses. That is, it makes them larger in size. That means you should not be taking coconut water if you have been diagnosed of uterine fibroid according to a reputable scientific study.

Oestrogen is the female hormone that is responsible for menstruation, fertility, bone mass, breast development and so on… Science has also implicated oestrogen to be responsible for some abnormal growth of smooth muscles in the uterus called fibroid and even for some form of ‘difficult to treat’ breast cancers.
Coconut water increase estrogen production and circulating blood level and for women with already existing fibroid, coconut water may make the fibroid masses to increase in size and become bigger.
Instead of investing in drinking coconut water that will not shrink or cure your fibroids, why not go for proper fibroid treatment especially if you have developed infertility because of the large fibroids.
How are uterine fibroids best treated?
Treatment for uterine fibroids can vary depending on the size, number and location of the fibroids, as well as what symptoms they’re causing. If you aren’t experiencing any symptoms from your fibroids, you may not need treatment. Small fibroids can often be left alone. Some women never experience any symptoms or have any problems associated with fibroids.
Your fibroids will be monitored closely by your doctor over time, but there’s no need to take immediate action. Periodic pelvic exams and ultrasound may be recommend by your healthcare provider depending on the size or symptoms of your fibroid.If you are experiencing symptoms from your fibroids — including anemia from the excess bleeding, moderate to severe pain, infertility issues or urinary tract and bowel problems — treatment is usually needed to help.
Your treatment plan will depend on a few factors, including:
👉How many fibroids you have.
👉The size of your fibroids.
👉Where your fibroids are located.
👉What symptoms you are experiencing related to the fibroids.
👉Your desire for pregnancy.
👉Your desire for uterine preservation.
The best treatment option for you will also depend on your future fertility goals.
The treatment options for uterine fibroids still remains traditional open abdominal surgery especially for large fibroid, there is also modern fibroid surgery methods like laparoscopic fibroid surgery, and uterine fibroid embolization which is very minimally invasive.
There is also the use of medications for fibroid treatment. The mechanism of action of these hormonal medications is to reduce the amount of circulating oestrogen in the blood that helps feed the fibroid masses. With the reduction in oestrogen, the fibroid masses will eventually shrink…. Please note that the risk of recurrence with fibroid shrinking drugs or injections is very high…. Many opt for surgery instead.
Do you have have fibroids, drinking coconut water will not help you shrink it….rather, it will increase your blood oestrogen levels and make your fibroids bigger. Since it raises oestrogen levels, coconut water is not good for fibroid patients.
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