Top 10 health benefits of papaya, Papaya seed, Papaya leaves and papaya juice. 24 health benefits of papaya

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💚🧡 Paw Paw – Carica papaya 🧡💚

Originally from Mexico and Central America. A tree which can grow up to 12 metres tall and can be male, female or bisexual.

In order to get fruit from the female or bisexual tree – you need a male in the vicinity. For 25 female trees only one male is necessary – that is providing you have lots of bees and pollinators in your region. (We have no male tree but there must be one somewhere on the community as the flowers are regularly pollinated).

Can grow indoors (which many people down south may not be aware of) in a sunny position near a large window.

Sprouts from papaya seed are nutritionally powerful. The leaves, flowers, seeds and fruits are all edible.

1. High in dietary fibre, vitamin C, A, E and B complex. Rich in beta carotene. Phosphorus for heart health. Folate and magnesium.

2. Boosts digestion. Papain is an enzyme in papaya which helps facilitate digestion of proteins. Papain content is higher in green papaya. Papain enzyme increases intestinal motility.

3. Strengthens immune function. Bioflavonoids are known as vitamin P and these modify our response to viruses and carcinogens.

4. Eating the seeds may be helpful for allergens and to detoxify the liver, improve kidney health and benefit joint issues. Use the seeds by drying on a tray in the sun and placing in a pepper grinder. Use as a pepper substitute. Contains Laetrile which has anti-cancer properties.

Top 10 health benefits of papaya, Papaya seed, Papaya leaves & Juice
Top 10 health benefits of papaya, Papaya seed, Papaya leaves & Juice.

5. Compounds in paw paw reduce inflammatory markers and protect against oxidative stress.

6. Use the skin of papaya on problem areas of your skin such as rashes, burns, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn and discolouration.

7. Some people may have a response to the latex in green papaya. The latex is a milky sap which oozes out when you cut the green fruit.

8. Improves/maintains vision.

9. Chymopapain – is a drug made from this compound used for the treatment of slipped disc.

10. Fibrin, found in green papaya helps reduce risk of blood clots, optimises blood flow and improves quality of blood cells.

11. Studies demonstrate that papaya helps in the recovery of a toxic liver by increasing glutathione, catalase and super oxide dismutase – three of our most powerful antioxidants.

12. Results from studies showed a drop in uric acid and creatine which suggest papaya has a protective effect on kidney toxicity.

13. Using papaya extract showed anti-microbial activity on pathogens such as E. Coli, staphylococcus aureus, proteus miribilis, kleibseillap pneumonial, pseudomonas aeruginosa, entamoeba histolytica ~ anti-emebic activity. Seeds showed activity on caernorhabditis elegans.

14. Papaya helps prevent heart disease and diabetes type 1 and 2. Reduces cholesterol through high fibre content.

15. Leaves can be steamed and eaten like a spinach or made into a tincture which is what I’m doing today. Sing out if you’d like a bottle.

16. Consuming 200g of fruit is of great benefit to acid reflux.

17. Increases white blood cell count and platelets.

18. Regulates immune by boosting production of Th-1 cytokines which are key signalling molecules.

19. FOR MEN: Papaya is rich in lycopene which aids in the health of your prostate. Prostatitis is inflammation or change in prostate tissue. Papaya leaf extract and tinctures are used for antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. Inhibiting cytotoxic activity on prostate cells.

20. Papai enzyme has been used to tenderise meat.

21. Papain exhibits drug like qualities for conditions such as atherosclerosis.

22. Grate some papaya and place it on your face for a facial which brings a healthy glow to your skin. Do a test patch first.

23. Unripe papaya is not recommended for consumption during pregnancy as it may induce contractions of the uterus and/or pregnancy complications.

24. Anti-tumoural, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-tussive, anti-amoebic, anti-malaria, immunomodulatory, anti-parasitic.

Pawpaw was the first food I ate as a baby of six months old. My mum fed it to me daily from our back door tree. Thanks Mum for giving me such a great start.

Hannah Bruzova

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