How To Use Coconut Oil for Fertility + benefit of coconut oil for fertility.
Coconut is known for its wide range of applications in dietary items as well as cosmetics.
But did you know that coconut oil can help you conceive as well? Are you surprised and curious to know more? Read on to get all your answers.
👉👉Benefits of Coconut Oil for Women Who Are Trying To Conceive (TTC) or get Pregnant
In recent years, coconut oil has gained a lot of importance because of its health benefits, especially, for women who are trying to get pregnant. Below are four such benefits of coconut oil:
🍀Reducing bad fat
The fat composition of coconut is high which is filling for your body, thereby helping you to reduce your calorie intake. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people consuming olive oil have more body fat than those who consume coconut oil. It’s significant as the adipose tissue which is located in the belly may have a negative impact on one’s fertility.
🍀Maintaining vaginal pH
Too much of pH level makes the cervical mucus hostile for sperms to survive in. It may also cause yeast infection, which results in burning.
Coconut oil helps in maintaining the right level of pH in your body and promotes vaginal health. Add it to your diet for favourable benefits or use it as a lubricant to make things smooth. Just rub a few drops on your hands and apply it gently. Yes coconut oil is used as lubricant and truly coconut oil does not kill sperm.
🍀Keeping insulin in check
Insulin, a hormone responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels, plays a vital role in your body. High blood sugar calls upon the higher level of insulin in your blood. And too much insulin can cause testosterone to rise so high that it might hinder fertility in one’s body.
The medium chain fatty acids in coconut are known for lowering the digestive system and boosting the metabolism in your body. By breaking the glucose slowly, it keeps the blood sugar level in check.
🍀Keeping thyroid in check
The thyroid is a common problem among pregnant women. However, it is easily treatable with proper medicare. Coconut oil is high in good saturated fats which are essential for an active and healthy thyroid.
👉👉👉How To Use Coconut Oil for Fertility Effectively
Wondering how to use coconut oil for fertility and make the most out of it?
Take or drink one table spoon of coconut oil daily, this will help boost your fertility and balance your hormones.
Also for those who do ivf, take a tablespoon of coconut oil after transfer to maximize your chances.
Some use #coconut oil for #fertility oil and others apply conconut oil to the navel for fertility…
Coconut oil is good for both make and female fertility.
Best of luck…
CREDIT: Fertility Support Group