Why are my nipples itching like crazy? Causes of itchy nipples.


Madam!! At some point in your life, you may likely experience itchy nipples. Many factors that can cause the condition, most of which are not cause for concern.

However, some symptoms should not be ignored. Itching nipples can be a sign that something more serious is going on.

However, Most causes are benign (non-cancerous) in nature.

Usually, treatment involves home remedies or prescription medication.

Nipple itching can be a sign of a rare and serious form of cancer called Paget’s disease of the breast.

Why are my nipples itching like crazy
Why are my nipples itching like crazy?


There are many causes, including the following:

1 . Pregnancy

Itchy nipples may be caused by pregnancy🤰.
Hormonal changes, breast expansion, and increased blood flow may cause a woman to experience itchy nipples during pregnancy.

A woman may also experience nipple soreness, tingling, sensitivity, and breast-heaviness.

Commonly, women can treat pregnancy-related nipple itching themselves with:

✳️A chemical-free lotion like vitamin E, cocoa butter or lanolin

✳️Using additional petroleum jelly throughout the day may also be helpful in keeping moisture within the skin. Apply lotion or petroleum jelly to the nipples after showering, especially in the morning and evening.

✳️Mild, fragrance-free detergents, Using these kinds of products prevents harsh chemicals reaching the skin.

✳️Suitable bras: Wearing a good-fitting maternity bra that allows for air-flow to the breasts and that is not too tight can help reduce itching.

2. Dermatitis

There are several causes of nipple or areola dermatitis. These include eczema and irritation or allergic dermatitis. Certain types of dermatitis can also cause eczema.

Eczema is a common condition in breast-feeding women, especially those who have previously been affected by atopic dermatitis.

Eczema is a skin condition that can affect any part of the body, including the breast.

Some types of eczema may be caused by irritation from friction as a result of running, harsh clothing, water, soaps, and certain detergents.

Some forms of eczema result from an allergic response or contact with products such as non-purified lanolin, chamomile ointment, and perfumes.

Symptoms of areola or nipple eczema may include:

💠itching, burning, and pain


💠lesions that weep or leak fluid

💠crusting or scaling skin, or plaque formation.

3. Yeast Infection

At times, women may experience a fungal infection of the breast called breast yeast or thrush, which is commonly caused by the fungus, Candida albicans. However, thrush can develop from other unknown causes. It can occur during breastfeeding, in women with vaginal thrush, and during antibiotic use💊. Thrush can also damage the nipple itself.

Notable symptoms of breast yeast include:

💠breast or nipple pain that is commonly described as stabbing, shooting, or a deep aching sensation.

💠women may experience a burning sensation, often after breast-feeding

💠nipple tenderness, burning, itching, or stinging

💠pink-reddened nipple and areola
dry, flaking areola

💠a white rash

💠cracked nipples that are slow to heal

During breast-feeding, an infant may develop thrush, experiencing symptoms such as a white coating in their mouth, tongue rash, or a red diaper rash.

Infants who develop thrush may require treatment at the same time as their mother!

You now know why your nipples itches you like crazy….what you need to do is see a medical doctor from proper evaluation if you have suspicious nipple itchiness.

Written by Dr Bob Collins

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