Benefits of drinking clove water for fertility, ovulation, Twinning & Menstruation, How to make clove water for fertility.
Cloves is a known fertility booster for both men and women and has been reported to have the ability to tolerate treat male and female infertility. Cloves water is usually soaked in water and people drink the water to treat infertility and boost fertility.
Here is how clove water help boost fertility…. benefits of cloves water for conceiving
Benefits of drinking clove water to for fertility
1. Boosts ovulation
Drinking clove water is believed to boost ovulation and increases a woman’s chances of conception. Many women trying to conceive take clove water to aid ovulation. Cloves is believed to increase the secretion of LH. LH is the hormone that stimulates the ovaries to realease egg during ovulation and menstruation.
Can i drink clove water during ovulation? Yes you can, drinking clove water during your ovulatory period reduces menstrual cramps and can cause you to release many eggs.
When to take clove water for ovulation? Immediately after your last menstrual period… Take morning and evening till your next ovulation.
2. Regularization of menstruation
Women with ceased menstruation had their menstrual flow restored after taking clove soaked in water every morning and evening.

3. Boosts sperm count and sperm motility
Drinking cloves water first thing in the morning has purportedly helped in boosting sperm count, increase sperm production, improve motility, and semen/sperm volume. Cloves water is believed to treat oligospermia and azoospermia. This claims are yet to be proven scientifically though.
4. Twinning: Cloves for conceiving twins?
Clove water for twins? Since drinking clove water is believed to boost multiple ovulation, the chances of a woman who take clove water for ovulation getting pregnant and giving birth to twins is higher.
Please Note: That cloves water causes twin gestation is just a speculation and not scientifically backed.
5. Boosts libido
Drinking clove water helps increase testosterone level in the blood.Testosterone is the primary libido booster in both males and females. Cloves water helps a man overcome premature ejaculation and helps him last longer in bed.
6. Enhances erection
I have met persons who claim they take a cup of clove water to improve their erection before action. I have come to realise that one man’s aphrodisiac is another man’s) poison. How men use clove soaked in water to last longer in bed remains a puzzle to me. Some say cloves increase blood flow to the genitals to achieve this feat.
Now let us talk about how to prepare clove water for fertility 👇
How to make clove water for fertility.
1. Take 3 clove sticks and grind
2. Put like 2 cup of drinkable water in a clean pot and boil for say 15 minutes.
3. Remove from fire and sieve with a clean clothe or filter to remove the debris
4. Your clove water is ready to drink/serve
5. You can add cinnamon to the clove water ….for enhanced fertility.
6. Clove water also goes well with milk which enhances the taste.
some persons just soak some cloves in clean water for say 24 hours and start drinking the water.
Cloves water can be preserved in the fridge and can be taken cold.
Can you take cloves water during menstruation?
Of course yes, nothing stops you from taking clove water during your period…it is harmless and even helps the flow.
When should I drink clove water for FERTILITY?
Any time of the day and clove water is best taken during your ovulation.
Can cloves prevent pregnancy?
No. Cloves does prevent prevent pregnancy or cause miscarriage or abortion. Cloves are safe in pregnancy. Cloves does not flush out spe.rm.
Is it safe to drink clove water during periods?
Yes..very safe. Cloves lightens menstrual flow and relieves menstrual cramps though the flow will become a little heavy. Take clove tea during menstruation.
Can I drink clove water everyday?
Yes..but why take clove water on a daily basis? Take with moderation.
Cloves and erectile dysfunction
Clove water, tablets, teas or tincture can as well help men with erectile dysfunction helping them to last longer while at their official duties.
Side effects of drinking clove water.
There are not documented untoward side effects associated with drinking clove water. You may have nausea, vomiting and mild abdominal discomfort though.
Cloves for fertility success stories abound in my inbox, I will share some of them with you once I get the permission.
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How long can one take clove water for conception
As desired.
Can you take it during your mensuration? Or can you mix clove and bay leaf together?
Does the clive water helps for pcos an does it helo you get pregant
Does the clove water helps for pcos an does it help you get pregnant
It helps but see a doctor
Should I continue taking clove water after my ovulation day????? Or stop on my ovulation day??
I soaked cloves, ginger and garlic am I save to drink during ovulation and fertile period?
When must you drink the water? Morning or night or during the day (as many cups)
Can one use clove water to water Virgina
I take clove with honey and oranges after boiling it I leave to get cold then mix with honey and orange 🍊
Can you drink the water after s*x on your ovulation days?
Can I drink clove water during menstruation
I have read this and I think it’s time for me to follow these tips..I’m taking cloves of water every morning with an empty stomach..Now I know I should take also it in the evening for boosting my fertility. I really want to have a baby, I get pregnant 2x but failed but now I hope this time I get pregnant…Please pray for me. Thank you!
-Tin :’)
Am on family planning “implant” pls can I go ahead and drink the clove water? Hope it won’t affect my implant? Pls reply🙏💯🙏
Yes you can go ahead. Cloves won’t affect your contraceptives
Where can I buy the clove water
Prepare it…buy cloves
Can clove water shrink cysts
Doc please when my period starts can I start with the clove water till my ovulation ends? I don’t know if during my period when I drink I will bleed more. Please advise as to how to take it. Thank you
Does clove water help to treat PCOS aslos
Does clove water help to treat PCOS aslo or its not possible
Try it…but see a doctor
Good day doc, Can I take cloves on my ovulation
Can I take cloves if I have pcos and secondary amenorrhea
Yea but see a doctor
Since you said only 3 sticks, is there any effect if you put more. Or only those 3 are enough.
It has some side effects. Too much might affect your liver.
Does Clove water improve egg quality??
It helps
Can drinking Clive water delay period?
can it help drink it on missed period
For the soaking method, it is possible to re-use the same cloves, or do you soak new ones? how many cups are you supposed to drink in the morning and evening?
Fresh one
I had it and i am experiencing severe abdominal pain and indigestion issue ..what shall I do?
doc can i take clove water until my ovulation ends
Please I hope taking clove tea during my ovulation will not stop me from getting pregnant?
Can clove be soaked in a hot water for a while at least 24hrs before taking it
Too long
Can i subtitute cloves with powder to make clove water
I’ve had tubal litigation. Can I still clove water to help me conceive or can you help me with a method to conceive naturally or to help my tunes grow back. Thank you
See a doctor to remove your ligation if you want to conceive
Can one with PCOS taking drugs also take clove water??
Can I add honey to the clove water during ovulation?
Am not ovulating.and I want to get pregnant so I boiled cloves and black pepper will it help me to get pregnant.during my menstruation
Can cloves be continuously boiled for 30days without changing to get another?
Get another… Use for at least a week
Can clove water flush out sperm ?:
Does clove water treat infection?
Before my PCOS treatment completed now Am on pregnancy treatment only n taking ovaa shield for conceiving can I drink clove water in morning empty stomach
I thought cinnamon is a spice
It is
I am the patient of endometriosis and PCOS can I drink this clove water for conceiving
For how long can i take cloves to regulate and restore my period?