Difference between fake and original Funbact A..how to spot fake funbact A ….
Assalam and peace be unto you.Today I discovered the difference of funbact A original and fake funbact A with the help an official in The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). NAFDAC is a Nigerian body charged to protect the public health of citizens by assuring the safety of foods and drugs.
NAFDAC also regulates and controls quality standards for cosmetics, medical devices, detergents, vaccines, chemicals and pesticides, agrochemicals, veterinary products, herbal preparations, packaged water and related products whether imported or manufactured in Nigeria.
According to the NAFDAC official, many fake funbact A creams are in the Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and even Kenya market. The problem has always been how to spot fake funbact A and how to identify original funbact A. There is a secret to knowing the differences. He told nimedhealth.com.ng that one can spot a fake funbact A from an original if you looking closely by paying attention to details. Laboratory analysis also helps to identify these differences.
We bought funbact a at two different nearly pharmacies at #500 naira each to experiment and we spotted the difference almost immediately by comparing and contrasting.

1-color print (tin print) = original fun fact A is dark while the fake is light in colour
2- expiring date = the original has an expiring date at the end (tin)…the producers of the fake recently started placing their date of manufacture at the end of the tin
3-neomycin sulphate u.s.p = fake may not contain the antibacterial agent in funbact A called neomycin sulphate.
4. Melting and Changing of colour: the original funbact A melts but does not change color but the fake funbact A will change color and also melt. Look at their ingredients and you will spot the differences.
5- thickness = original has a tick but fake does not.
6- bleaching = fake funbac A promotes excessive bleaching because it contains high concentration of steroids. It however causes acne. Original removing acne but original does not cause acne breakout as such.
7- Cardboard = everything the same but the original has a dark print.
8. NAFDAC number: The fake usually does not have NAFDAC number….they can however forge a fake one to deceive the public.
These are the preliminary revelations from NAFDAC.
Be vigilant.
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